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sage :) @ sageflores
heyo im bored. please someone call me
| tubbo @ tubbolive
call me on discord!

|sage :) @ sageflores
my lord and savior please and thank you

she's friends with tubbo?
| user2
she's been friends with him for a very long time! when tubbo used to live in California, they were bestfriends and they still are!
| user1
nah she's probably clout chasing
  | user2
you just found out about her-


sage immediately got to her pc and ringed up tubbo due to his reply.

tubbo was one of her oldest friends. she's known him since they were 3. unfortunately, tubbo moved to london when sage was 17 so she hasn't seen him for 4 years. those past 4 years were devastating. if you didn't know, sage was the popular loner in school. everyone knew her, but they didn't personally know her. before tubbo left to London, she was never lonely and she always had someone to talk to, which was tubbo, butnow that tubbo is living in london, she has absolutely no one in California. she's never tried to make new friends, because of her social anxiety, so she was used to counting on tubbo to talk. but now that he is one of the most popular twitch steamers, he has new friends and new priorities to deal with. which means that sage was completely lonely and that she could barley talk to the only friend she had.

seconds later after sage ringed up tubbo, he immediately answered the call.

"tubbo!" sage yelled into her microphone with a tone of happiness.

"hi sage! how have you been?" tubbo asked with a very low but genuine voice.

"i've been alright. you know how it is; college, sleep, cry, walk, eat, sleep." 

"sage... are you still hibernating yourself?"

"no tubbo! definitely not..." sage spoke in a unsure voice.

"sage you have to start interacting with more people! online or not, you can't just hide yourself forever and not talk to anyone!"

"look tubbo, i've been trying, like seriously i have! but my social anxiety doesn't help at all! and besides i can definitely hide myself forever."

"i get that but you need to get out of your comfort zone! i know you haven't been the happiest so please atleast try this."

"tubbo can we PLEASE talk about something else"

"fine. but first let's do something. let me introduce you to my friends from the dreamsmp?"

"how about no"

"please! maybe you can become close with some of them and you can finally interact with someone!"

"fuck no."

"please sage! you really need to start taking to other people. it's actually really sad that your only friend is a 17 year old dyslexic person."

"tubbo i'm being serious right now. i don't think i want friends right now."

"for me?" tubbo asked in a genuine tone.

only with you - wilbur sootWhere stories live. Discover now