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the rest of sage and wilbur's day went by really quickly. they didn't do much, but they eventually fell asleep, like usual.

it's the next day and wilbur had woken up at 8, pretty normal for him, and decided to stay in bed to keep sage company incase she had waken up. she didn't stay asleep for that long. she woke up around 20 minutes after wilbur did.

"morning.." sage said as she rubbed her eyes lazily.

"good morning my love. how did you sleep?" wilbur asked.

"i slept good. i really needed that sleep." sage responded, referring to the sleep she didn't gain because of jet lag.




sage laid there watching wilbur until he spoke again.

"stop staring and get ready. let's go have breakfast somewhere."

"okay just give me a moment to wake up."


sage finally stood up and began to get ready while wilbur took a shower. they didn't have much planned for the day. both of them knew that they were going to hang out with the other for a bit though.

sage decided to record a 'get ready with me' video for her youtube channel due to her not being very consistent with making content.

"hi everybody! so in todays video i'll be doing a get ready with me. i definitely haven't been consistent with all my posting but more content will hopefully be coming soon." she first curled her lashes and added mascara to make her lashes more noticeable. "if you are wondering where im going, im going to have breakfast with wilbur!" she then added eyeliner to her waterline and some highlighter in the inner corner of her eyes. she topped it off with some glossier lip gloss.

she looked in the mirror again and her makeup was a good balance of good and simple. "im done with my makeup now. pretty basic but i like it. it's always a good balance between simple and cute! if you don't like my makeup, i'm sorry." sage said looking at the camera with a sarcastic sad face.

next was her outfit, the basis of her whole look. she started off with some jeans. she chose some blue bootcut jeans which go with any type of outfit. sage then found a cropped black button up that was short sleeve which she liked so she tried it on. only thing left was shoes and she chose black platform converse.

she tried on multiple jackets but couldn't find any that she liked. "guys i don't think i'm bringing a jacket. too much work to find one that looks good."

wilbur than walked into the frame, looking at the camera than looking at sage. "what is going on here.."wilbur asked as he got closer to the camera.

"i'm recording a video for my youtube channel!"

"you can't be looking like that infront of a camera! this is for my eyes only!"

"wilbur! i am wearing clothes! you're disgusting." sage said as she rolled her eyes in a joking matter.

"i'm kidding my love. you look very good though"

sage only laughed. "let me show them my outfit then." wilbur asked while already blocking sage from the cameras view.

"so! my outfit is pretty good, look and listen. black shirt, hot and sexy, this corduroy brown flannel type thing, also hot and sexy, than some black jeans and doc martens, hot and sexy. boom."

"amazing." sage sarcastically cheered while wilbur spinned around.

"yes i know you don't have to remind me."

sage finally ended her video and the full recording was about 24 minutes. with editing and everything, she figured that the video would be 15 minutes which isn't bad.


the two went to go have breakfast at a local cafe which wilbur recommended. they encountered many fans and took plenty of photos with them. wilbur and sage were trying to rush so they could get to the recording area for tommys new vlog but plans were cancelled last minute.


tommy 😈😈

hi sage! plans got canceled
for today
the area i was planning to
go tois closed and are
open tomorrow. can we
record tomorrow instead??

yes we can record tomorrow!
that's fine with wilbur and i :D

okay thank you!


sage and wilbur headed back to wilbur's place and just laid in bed the whole day. doing absolutely nothing. but that was there thing. even before dating, they would lay next to eachother in comfortable silence.


they played mario kart, many rounds of it. sage was surprisingly really good at mario kart. she would absolutely demolish wilbur in it.

"you fucking suck at this game."

"i don't! i'm literally going easy on you."

"wil, you obviously aren't. it's okay to be bad at things. it's okay to admit it."

"stop being so cocky. you aren't even that good."

"i think me in 1st place while you are in 14th place says enough."

"oh shut up."


they had finished playing, back into their comfortable silence. wilbur was sitting down, back on the backboard while sages head was laid on wilbur's shoulder, her body scrunched up by his side.

wilbur would trace sages tattoos, one by one. it was relaxing towards him in a way. sage has three tattoos on her right arm, which wilbur traced each and every one.

sage would almost fall asleep, just happy that wilbur was there. his presence would be enough for her.

this time, there was a small tension between them. not a bad tension, but a tension that was very obvious. wilbur tried to speak, but couldn't get the right words put together. he knew what he wanted to say, but just was nervous to say it. he thought to himself many outcomes but knew that there would be only one that he would expect. he took a deep breath and looked down at sage.

sage felt wilbur turn his head down, which gestured for her to look up at him.

"i love you."

"i love you too."


an: i've planned this type of ending for the longest time and i finally wrote it and it creeps me out.

the end

only with you - wilbur sootWhere stories live. Discover now