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tw: mentions of injury, blood

"hello?" ranboo said all jumpy with a baseball bat in his hands.

"ranboo calm down it's me!" sage chuckled while she walked into the room with her tote bag.

"holy i got so scared. anyways i set up a bed for you just so i don't have to do it later AND i'll be sleeping in the other room to let you know."

"thank you ranboo! you are just to kind."

"i know i am." ranboo said proudly. he then sat back down and quickly got a bag of popcorn and split it with sage. they decided to be lazy and watch a bit of shameless.

everything was going really good and calm till dream had to dial up ranboo to be his annoying self as always.


"dream!" sage and ranboo yelled out at the same time. "how are you blondy?" ranboo muttered expecting no one to hear him.

"did you just call me blondy? that's a new one. maybe i should call you guys idiots!"

"shut up. this is why you aren't here." sage blurted out.

"you don't have to be so rude. you know i can just fly to you guys whenever i want."

"will they get a 3 out of 3 meet up??" ranboo asked, referring to their fandoms.

"oh we will never know..." dream said mysteriously while ranboo and sage stared at him with genuine concern.

"if you are coming, remember that you'll be sleeping ON the couch." ranboo exclaimed.

"oh thats fucked up. nevermind I dont want to visit you guys." dream said boringly while he put his headset on to try and ignore the two friends.

"well we were gonna go fly to the uk to meet up with some people..." sage said while successfully throwing a popcorn up into the air and catching it with her mouth.

"WHAT PEOPLE?" dream suddenly asked sounding exciting.

"oh you know.. like tubbo, tommy, wilbur, niki, jack, george. the basics."

"ranboo the next plane ticket is tomorrow. im crashing at your place."

"well then. aren't you gonna take sapnap? you know he still lives with you right?" sage asked.

"oh yeah..." dream said with slight hesitation. "NICK!!!" dream yelled out his name. sage and ranboo heard a yell back and then a sudden thump. "OW YOU FUCKER!" and suddenly a similar laugh bursted out while the hurt man was yelping in pain.

"oh my god is that THE sapnap!?!" ranboo said dragging the sentence longer than usual for anticipation.

"yes indeed it is." the man said proudly showing his face to the two people across the screen. dream was still on the floor quietly groaning in pain which got annoying. "stop crying and tell me why you yelled at me!" sapnap said as he jokingly tried to carry the 21 year old up.

"okay okay let me go and just listen to sage and ranboo for a second." sapnap annoyingly rolled his eyes and didnt let the man go which led to dream pushing him off which led to dream ONCE AGAIN ending up on the floor. "FUCKING HELL MAN!"

only with you - wilbur sootWhere stories live. Discover now