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"are we there yet?" it's been 5 hours in the plane and it's been boring as hell. every 30 minutes tubbo kept asking when they would get there, tommy was being his obnoxious self, and wilbur kept thinking. just thinking. like what he would say. the whole majority of the time, besides of their little rants, they were on their phones or asleep. sage on the other hand had been very active on social media. she's gotten calmer after what she had told wilbur but hasn't 100% developed the information she had said. she was still utterly embarrassed and wasn't talking to wilbur as often.

the 3 boys had finally made it to california. they were boarding off very firefly. it was about 7am which meant that sage should be awake by now, knowing that she wakes up too early. tubbo, tommy, and wilbur all made sure that they had her presents and that she was home without making it obvious.


liked by punztw, dreamwastaken, justaminx and 384 more

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liked by punztw, dreamwastaken, justaminx and 384 more


view 213 comments

user1 omg how are you so stunning in the morning
- iaintyobitch STOP ILY

justaminx you're so hot
- iaintyobitch you are too 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩

punztw she woke up!
- iaintyobitch yessir🕺

user2 i wasn't even hungry anyways
- iaintyobitch hey love! go eat something. you are perfect the way you are and you shouldn't put yourself down like that! i'm not perfect and i'll never be perfect. we are all different in so many good ways. go and atleast drink water for me. ily
- user3 and people wonder why i stan her

user4 feeling elite that i'm one out of the 790 people that follow you
- iaintyobitch AS YOU SHOULD 😩🙏🏼

wilbursoot so cool
- iaintyobitch i know

dreamwastaken and why post this?
- iaintyobitch cause i can green man with no dignity
- dreamwastaken what? 😃

dsmpstan69 your so ugly bitch
- iaintyobitch you're*


"well now we know that she's home."

"huh? why do you say that wil?" tommy asked confused.

only with you - wilbur sootWhere stories live. Discover now