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tw: small mention of parent death

it was finally the day. the day that sage would meet her bestfriends. she's known tommy and wilbur for about 4 months now, and those 4 months were incredible for her. she couldn't express how happy she was. she was going to meet them in about 15 hours. (of course because of flying and shit) but for the most part, she was most excited to see tubbo. tubbo was her long life bestfriend. he was like a brother to her. tubbo was always the there for sage and vice versa. they were inseparable. after 4 1/2 years, she was going to finally see him. tubbo would always help sage with her anxiety, ADHD, trauma, practically with everything she was going through. even if sage was tough, tubbo would always be their for her no matter what. tubbo was the light to sage's world. he was sage's platonic soulmate.




"IM BOARDING THE PLANE IN LIKE 5 MINUTES IM GOING TO CRY!" sage was currently sitting in a chair infront of her boarding gate. she was anxious and kept fidgeting with her tag that was on her suit case.

"there is nothing to worry about! just remember, breath in and ou-" tubbo suddenly got cut off by tommy's very loud voice joining the discord call.

"hello fellow american. are you on the plane yet?"

"hi tommy. and no i am not. about 5 more minutes. why are you asking?"

"cause i need to use my time wisely. my life is going to snap away like the avengers when you come here to london."

"no i don't think that's true! i think your asking because you really want to see me! HAHAHAHA CAUGHT YOUR ASS YOU MOFO!"


"indeed! oh shit i need to go i'm about to go on the plane. PRAY FOR ME." sage was saying while getting up and gathering her things to board the plane.

"bye sage see you soon!" tubbo said in an eager tone.

tommy, as usual, screamed at the top of his lungs, "BYE BITCH!"


sage :) @ sageflores
currently on a flying vehicle
status: definitely okay! 😃

sage :) @ sageflores currently on a flying vehicle status: definitely okay! 😃

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| George @ Georgenotfound 
dont you have a bad relationship
with your mom? btw tell the pilot
to crash the plane <3

only with you - wilbur sootWhere stories live. Discover now