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tw: none

sage :) @ sageflores
still thinking about my boys leaving me </3

tommy @ tommyinnit
please stop you are embarrassing me
| sage :) @ sageflores
i'm never stopping.

quackity @ quackity
why are you sad? that means there's a better chance of you meeting me. don't cry for those fuckers
| sage :) @ sageflores
oh shit your right
| tubbo @ tubbolive
:( ?
  | sage :) @ sageflores

bright side?
| sage :) @ sageflores
there isn't one
| bad @ badboyhalo

karl :] @ karljacobs
look. what if crew boys + sage?
| sapnap @ sapnap
what? no
| sage :) @ sageflores
| sapnap @ sapnap
you're not cool
| george @ georgenotfound
don't worry sage. i think ur not cool too!
| dream @ dreamwastaken
| sage :) @ sageflores
when the fuck did it become hate sage day
| karl :] @ karljacobs
| quackity @ quackity
SAME ^^^^
| sage :) @ sageflores
and this is why u guys are my favorite crew boys


"i think we should make a collaborative spotify playlist."


"you heard me wil! let's make a playlist with our favorite songs and shit!" sage admitted while sitting next to wilbur with her blanket on top.

"i mean we could!" wilbur said as he pulled his phone out of his pocket and opened spotify.

sage grinned softly and began to create the base of the playlist. "okay wil i sent you the link of the playlist. you can add some songs while i find a cover photo!"

"okay love."

wilbur began to add some of his favorite songs plus he added some songs that reminded him of sage.


"look at this photo i picked!" sage showed wilbur the screen of her phone. the photo was sage and wilbur holding hands with a paper texture over it.

"cringe." wilbur deadpanned which led to a small grin. "oh and i added some songs in the playlist. you can see them and if you don't like some, just take them off."

"i won't take any off. you picked them for a reason so i will respect that."

sage looked through the playlist and saw a bunch of her comfort songs. she softly smiled and giggled at the phone. wilbur on the other hand was scrolling though his twitter.

"well wilbur, the songs you chose are magnificent. ten out of ten! bravo!" sage said sarcastically but with a very bad italian accent.

"is that sarcasm!" wilbur mimicked in the same sarcastic tone while putting his right arm on where his heart supposedly is.

"yup and there is nothing wrong with it." sage said proudly.

only with you - wilbur sootWhere stories live. Discover now