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tw: none

"WILBUR THE STANS ARE GOING CRAZY!" currently, the couple was freaking out about the playlist they made together. it wasn't something big but for the stans, it was so much more.

even though sage edited the photo to black and white PLUS added these overlays on top to make it look like it wasn't them, it was still obvious because sage was wearing her signature ring.

sage and wilbur didnt even mean to make the playlist public. sage simply just forgot to put the playlist on private.

the playlist was public for atleast 2 hours but sage and wilbur didnt know that.


while the song CANT GET OVER YOU by joji and clams casino was coming to an end, tubbo and tommy walked into sages home talking about upcoming plans for streams. the couple turned to them and greeted them. the others greeted back but kept talking.

"you guys are so in love huh?" tommy spoke up with a sense of disgust.

"yeah that playlist really shows how much you guys care for eachother you know." tubbo intercepted into the conversation.

"did you just say playlist?" sage asked with curiousness.

"yeah that one playlist called only vibing with you and it has like one of those fucking sideway hearts." tommy spoke.

the couple stared at the two boys with mixed emotions till reality hit. "the stans right now are going crazy." tubbo said while slightly laughing.

"wilbur." sage said with no expression.

"sage." wilbur said with the same tone.

"what the hell."

"wait is it not supposed to be public?" tubbo asked. there was a very loud but silent pause and everyone was simply staring at tubbo with disbelief. "OH you guys might want to make it private. it's been public for atleast 2 hours."

"WHAT THE HELL. WIL THOSE STANS ARE HAVING A RODEO." sage yelled while quickly grabbing her phone.

"you might want to check twitter.."


content creators sage flores and wilbur soot made a collaborative playlist with love songs which are driving fans crazy whether or not they are dating.


silburs confirmed and no one is going to change that


stop they made a literal playlist together. if that's not conformation of silbur i will cry


if silbur isnt confirmed because of that playlist then i don't believe in love


why is silbur confirmed? PLEASE WILS MINE
| tubbo @ tubbolive
hi! he doesn't even know u :D

only with you - wilbur sootWhere stories live. Discover now