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"what is up chat! today's stream is going to be quite special! i'm joining the dreamsmp!" sage was streaming her experience on the smp for the first time. she took a glance at the chat and saw all the chats flooding of excitement. sage cleared her throat and continued to talk.

"wil is going to show me around so let me join his vc really quick!"

sage hovered her mouse to the vc and clicked it. you could hear him playing the guitar in the background.

"hello wil!" sage said cheerfully

"hey flores! ready for the tour?"



sage popped up her minecraft and clicked the server. the loading screen was only on for around 5 seconds till the screen changed. she spawned in this disformed box in the middle of what looked liked the woods.

"i forgot to mention that you're going to spawn in this box thing so stay there till i find you."

"i can already tell.."

wilbur eventfully found the spawn and took her to her first stop, lmanburg. he explained the whole history about lmanburg and all its amazing adventures. he quickly gave sage a tour around everything else which lasted about 20 minutes.

"last thing you need to do is find a place to build your home."

sage made her character move to a dead ended cave "i'm gonna build it here!"

"a dead end cave?"

"it has the perfect vibes!"

"out of everywhere in the smp your going to choose here?"

"give me a fat and this will look like the best."

"atleast build it on top of the 'i love penis' sign."

"what the fuck?"


"you are very strange mr soot..."

"so are you ms flores..."

"says the one saying that i should put my house on the 'i love penis' sign."


the stream ended shortly by wilbur unexpectedly disconnected from the call. after that and sage was tired. she felt exhausted and didn't want to do anything. she decided to call wilbur but he didn't pick up.

mr soot :D

read at 6:39pm
read at 6:40pm
wil why are you leaving me on read
read at 6:40pm

sage im busy

with whatttttt

i'm out with a girl so please stop

only with you - wilbur sootWhere stories live. Discover now