Chapter 5: class trip

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Your pov

I was walking to class. Late again. I heard the wind and I felt a breeze. The trees rustled indicating. "Koro sensei?" I looked at my teacher as he stood infront of me. "Late again (Y/n)." He had an x on his face. "I'm sorry I stayed up last night helping my aunt." I scratched the back of my head. He sighed. "Excuses are for people like your devil boyfriend karma." I giggled. "We need to hurry so you can find yourself a group." He grabbed me and we took off. 'Group.'

We got there in a blink of an eye. "(Y/n)!!" Karma waved to me. I looked and saw everyone in groups already. Karma grabbed my hand making me blush. "Hey teach, (Y/n) is with us." Koro sensei nodded and karma pulled me to nagisa and kayano. 'Stupid trip. Can't we just oh I don't know not go. It'll be ok. Plus we aren't planning on playing with our toy until the end of our time.'

We were discussing as to where we would go. I was seated next to karma and he watched as I would close my eyes and slowly fall asleep. He then grabbed me and put me on his lap making everyone gasp. "Karma!! Your not supposed to do that in school." Koro sensei yelled at karma but at the same time grabbing his camera to take a picture. I just buried my red face in his chest as he chuckled. It didn't take long for me to fall asleep there.

Karma pov

I looked down at my sleeping girlfriend smiling. "Karma are you gonna tell (Y/n) all of this?" Kayano looked at me. "After I'm done teasing her." I patted (Y/n) head. I could see okuda glaring at (Y/n). I couldn't help but get a little annoyed. After our discussion (Y/n) was still fast asleep. Koro sensei forced me to wake her. "(Y/n)!" I poked her cheek. She moved a little but didn't wake up. I kept continuing until she got up playfully glaring at me. "I was having a nice dream." She pouted and I laughed. "How nice was it?" Her answer made me blush. "Cause it had you in it." I heard some people giggle a bit. She kissed the tip of my nose and got off of me.

~after school~

I had (Y/n) on my back as we went to my house. "You sure are sleepy today." I could see her dozing off in the corner of my eye. "I didn't get much sleep last night." She closed her eyes. "You can rest but I'll wake you when I get bored." I winked at her making her chuckle as she fell asleep again.

We made it to my house and my shy girlfriend was softly snoring. 'Awww how cute.' I opened the door and carefully placed her on the couch. I was going to grab her a blanket until I felt her grab my wrist. "Don't go karma." She gave me puppy eyes and I smirked. "Fine." I got onto the couch and she laid in my chest hearing my heart beat. "I love you karma." She said that while falling asleep. A blush dusted my cheeks as I smiled. I kissed her head. "I love you too (Y/n)." I slowly felt myself fall asleep.

~a few hours later~

Your POV

I woke up hearing a heart beat. I looked up to see my devil boyfriend sleeping peacefully. His hand was on my shoulder so I couldn't really get up. Bored just laying there I started making circles on his stomach with my finger. It didn't take long before I heard a deep chuckle. "Bored, huh?" I looked up to see karma smiling at me. "I didn't want to wake you." I sat up straddling him. He lifted his upper body up and put his hands on my waist. I was still in my uniform since I fell asleep on the way here. We shared a deep and passionate kiss. He stopped and stared at me. "You hungry?" He changed the topic with his smirk still painted on his face. I nodded and he went to the kitchen to grab me something.

Karma came back with some water and chips. "You wanna watch (favorite superhero movie)?" Karma grabbed the remote looking at me. I nodded with excitement. "I should change first." I looked at my uniform. "You know where my hoodies are?" He winked at me. I blushed as I got up and made my way upstairs to his room. His room was like any kind of room. His bed was in the corner, he had a desk next to the window, and near the entrance was the closet. I opened the door and grabbed a (favorite color) hoodie. Thankfully I had shorts under my skirt so it wasn't hard changing out of it.

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