Chapter 25: the ending

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(Y/n) pov

It's been quiet no voice in my head. It's a little weird without having to hear every second a rude remark. But today everyone had announced they gotten into the school of their dreams. I didn't even know if I wanted to continue this normal life. Karma said that if I do continue being an assassin he'll support me no matter what. But I'm not so sure anymore. I came to this class expecting it to be easy and continue my assassin life. But now I can get into a school and go on normal dates with karma. Not going out wondering if it'll be my last. It's already too late anyways might as well continue this, right? Everyone was so happy in class. I mean they all reached their dreams so of course they would. "I have something very special to do today." Koro sensei said as everyone was waiting for him to say party but it ended up being editing. "What for?!" Everyone shouted. "We'll of course I'm making a year book just for the e class." A year book? "But didn't we already make one?" "Well for the whole school that doesn't have any pics of koro sensei." Koro sensei then showed a huge folder. "I have over three thousand photos of you guys unguarded. Now to find the most memorable ones!" Koro sensei then showed many pictures he took off the other students but then he showed one of me and karma. "Oh and this one with (Y/n) and karma at there perfect date on the beach." Mine and karma eyes widened. Just then about everyone went running to koro sensei desk. Me, karma, and itona sat back. One by one pictures were ripped. Me and karma decided to look and well I ripped quite a few. "This isn't nearly enough! Everyone outside we'll take even more photos!" Then we were outside taking photo after photo in random costumes koro sensei put us in. He and put karma in a cowboy hat with his shirt open. When karma got away from him I closed his shirt. He chuckled a bit and hugged me. Just then we heard a mumbling Irina. She looked like she was enjoying something. Then tentacles had grabbed them and they were in wedding attire. "What's the meaning of this?" Karasuma asked. "Well we need you in on the cosplay or maybe this is a fitting." Koro sensei laughed. Then the change of wind again and I held onto karma. I closed my eyes and when I opened them karma was wearing a suit and I was wearing a (Favorite color) dress. Everyone clapped their hands. "Oh I think this one is gonna be the best in the yearbook." Karma smirked at me making me blush. Then we were back in our regular uniforms. "Well that's it for the on campus pictures." Koro sensei wiped off whatever sweat from his forehead. Then we all found ourselves in a huge bag. "What are we doing here?" "Oh well on campus isn't enough I'm taking you all around the world." I sighed. This is gonna be a long day.

The next day was the last for career counseling. I got called after nagisa. "Well since now it's been exposed about you being an assassin. Do you wish to continue being that?" I froze at that. "I-Im not sure. I've been raised with a knife in my hand. But this class it's made me have a new look in life. I'm not sure if I want to risk it all by continuing being an assassin but I'm not sure what else is out there for me considering I didn't even apply to a highschool." I looked down. "How about kunugigaoka high?" I looked up at him. Koro sensei held up a paper in his hand. "I had a feeling you'd be considering living a life away from the shadows." When he gave it to me it was an acceptance letter to the high school. "Karma mentioned to me about your love for animals. Why not pursue that?" I held it in my hand and I started to shake. Tears build in my eyes. "Thank you koro sensei." He patted my head. "Go on and live a life with the rest of the class." I nodded smiling at him. I then left. Karma had to be home today so I was by myself walking home. When I got there my aunt sat at the dinner table with a coffee in her hand. "Oh I thought you'd be gone." I said. "You say goodbye to your class?" Her sudden question startled me. "What do you mean goodbye?" She sighed. "How stupid can you be? You had one job? Kill the target. But no. You got yourself distracted by a boy and your past. I mean you must've suspected this." I tilted my head then I heard an explosion. I looked out the door and saw what seemed to be a shield around the e class mountain. "What is happening?" I asked. "The final assassination. Your class failed now it's the governments turn." I turned to her. "But it's not fair." "Not fair." She got up from her seat. "The people of the earth would say the same thing knowing that their fate was in the hands of 15 year olds. You all had your chance but now it's our turn." I shook my head. "No! We should be the ones to do it not you guys!" "Look at you now whining like a child. This would've been easier if you did what I asked. But then again your that disappointment my brother had and you're just like him." I froze at this. "If you're not here to mature and grow up then get the hell out of my house." I took in a deep breathe but just ran out of the house to the e class. Everyone was there already. There were reporters there too. 'It's not fair.' Karasuma sensei then came out yelling at the reporters to leave. He led us to where the government set up there camp. "You guys are done. It's now the governments turn that has been set up if time was almost out. In a week a laser will kill him." Everyone started to object but Karasuma kept repeating himself. Something wasn't right. The way his tone was. I was leaning against karma but then I grabbed my knife from my sock. Quickly I held it against Karasuma throat from the back. "(Y/n)?!" The soldiers in the room held their guns up aiming at me. "Even the dumbest person in the world can see what's wrong with this. You've been with us since the beginning you know how our relationship is to koro sensei. So why the change Karasuma sensei?"

Narrators pov

(Y/n) voice dropped with venom however not hatred or bloodlust was sense from her. Karasuma then used her blind spot of course her left eye being gone. He elbowed her in her left side and quickly pinned her down. "Oi!" Karma shouted. "Listen hear do not give me a hard time." He dropped (Y/n) and walked out. Karma helped her up. Everyone started to talk about Karasuma. Nagisa remembered his words from before Karasuma wanted them to handle koro sensei. But how? They all thought about that for awhile. They texted and discussed the plans. (Y/n) kept saying she could handle most of the soldiers since it would be faster. However they all mentioned her disadvantage with her left eye and said she didn't have to.

The plan was set and they all suited up and got into the mountain. They jumped through the trees and were starting to get shot at by the soldiers. (Y/n) had told everyone to go but kayano, Isogai, and itona stood by. (Y/n) then gathered a whole squad around her. They started to shoot at her but she wasn't affected by it. In an instant they all were either kicked down or knocked out. The whole class finally got back together but were met with one last person. He was strong that stun darts didn't affect him. The whole class started to attack him. (Y/n) stood back. When they had started to get kicked down (Y/n) grabbed his attention. "Everyone please stand back and don't make a noise." The class gulped taking a step back. Slowly (Y/n) walked to the man. Each step she made her bloodlust drip. The class gulped. They had never seen one of her tricks. The man stood there almost hypnotized. When she got near him she chuckled then she clapped. Nagisa and karma then dropped down knocking him out. They all cheered and made their way to their class. Koro sensei stood outside waiting for them. "I could tell by the sound." Everyone gasped and ran to him. They all wanted koro sensei out no matter what but koro sensei declined. He knew this was bound to happen even if he was saved. The class was desperate but koro sensei helped raise their spirit. Then his attention turn to nakamura. "I smell something sweet." She chuckled and got out a cake from her bag. "It's been a year since the moon exploded and didn't yukimura sensei make today your birthday?" She started talking but koro sensei was not paying attention. Nakamura sighed. "Alright let's get to singing everyone." The all begun to sing happy birthday with smiles on their face. Near the end (Y/n) felt off. She felt rage and when koro sensei was about to blow out the candles she saw him. Immediately she jumped up and kicked him back. "(Y/n)!" She growled as his laughter echoed through the air. "Poor little angel. It's gonna be you and your sensei death day." Then a black tentacles destroyed the cake. Yangisawa and what he called 2.0 were there. Koro sensei and 2.0 started to fight. "Well then angel. It's time to die." Then the siblings started to fight.

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