Chapter 18: the reaper

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(Y/n) pov

Today in class we were informed that it was bitch sensei birthday a few days ago and she wanted a present from Karasuma sensei. So there was a plan. A group would go and get bitch sensei a present to give to Karasuma to give to her. Another would distract bitch sensei. I was with karma and we went with the group to get the gift. We ended up at a flower bus and he knew nagisa because of the old man. I had a bad feeling about this guy. Something just felt off. He gave me a beautiful flower and that's when the idea sparked we should get Irina this. 'Angel this guy. Do not be alone with him!' We go the flowers and gave it to Karasuma of course we had to convince him. "Karma I have a bad feeling about this." I held his arm. "It should turn out fine." It didn't feel right. The whole class started to watch them but I didn't want too. It didn't feel okay to watch. I know we were being nice and all but this wasn't going to lead to something good. I watched from a far and sure enough the class got found out and koro sensei who was watching with a whole camera. She left soon after. 'She's gonna try something. Let's kill her when we see her again. She's like you angel. Getting her emotion in the way of her job. This is business. She'll get thrown out and so will you.'

It's been three days since then. No Irina in sight. When koro sensei left and we were by ourself the flower guy came everyone seemed so normal with this until it finally snapped into them. He started off with small talk then got to the important part. "I'm the assassin known as the reaper and I have a lesson for you all." 'That's bullshit!' Everyone was shocked. He started talking about flowers and other nonsense. This guy. He may claim to be the reaper but no. There's no way he can be it. Just then ritsu got sent an image. It was Irina tied up. "I'll cut to the chase. If you guys want her alive you must all come to this location. And no word to your teachers. If so then I can send you all little pieces of her." A bluff obviously. The reaper may be the best assassin in this world but Irina is still a pro. If he wanted to kill her he would've done so already. But everyone believed him. Terasaka tried to threaten him but the reaper left. Leaving behind a location. I didn't like this but we had to go. We got ready and went to the location. Carefully we got in.
But the door locked behind us and we slowly dropped. 'An elevator!?' At the bottom was the reaper and behind him a tied up Irina. 'Nice act bitch sensei.' The others had pulled off and escape and we got out but a feeling of rage was rushing though me. We got to a hallway and the reapers voice came he sounded happy. That's where my rage was at. The reaper. We started to plan and found out ritsu was hacked. A small group left to find Irina and as soon as they did the reaper was infront of us. It seemed now everyone was seeing a true assassin. Two of the boys ran at him but were quickly kicked down. Then another. And then kayano was kicked in her stomach. Nagisa was mad. He stood ready but he hasn't been trained to take someone like the reaper. And just as I expected right as he got close the reaper clapped. Lovro sensei may have taught nagisa the clap stunner but if the reaper were to have something like that. Nagisa stun clap was child's play. The reaper then started to kick everyone knocking them down. Everyone but me. Right when nagisa dropped that's when the reaper started talking. "I'm surprised to see you here angel. It took me a bit but I eventually found out it was you. (Y/n)." I clenched my fist but then put a fake smile. "Oh reaper I've been here for awhile now. So why is it you kicked everyone down but not me?" I glared at him. "Just to be careful I don't want you with this group." "Oh?" I got into a fighting stance. "Well I wouldn't have done anything but since you say it like that I guess I'll have to do something." The reaper took a step back. He was going to try and get behind me. I quickly turned around and was met with a kick. I put my arms to cover myself and was pushed back. "You can see speed up to Mach 25 right? Even that octopus you can see his movements. So why haven't you killed him yet?" I shrugged. "I like to toy with people. I thought you would know that." He ran at me with kicks that I dodged. 'I was at a disadvantage since I couldn't see from my left side.' He tried to use the clap stunner but I kicked his side making him hit the wall. I felt the change of wind. Something shot at me. I moved to the side catching it. When I looked to see who did it. "Bitch sensei?" There she was of course in perfect condition. "To think you were one of my students. I trusted you. But now with what the reaper told me. You're the angel who left me for dead." I looked down. "Took you long enough.' I giggled. The reaper then started to attack me again and Irina kept shooting at me. So far I was beating both of them but then I heard something being shot but it wasn't Irina gun. The reaper then caught me off guard with a hard kick to my stomach. I gasped in pain and something shot into my mouth. Then the reaper kicked my head. I bit down on whatever was shot into my mouth. 'Glass?!' The feeling of pain and drowsiness took over. 'It's poison angel! And not the ones we're used to. Thanks for the obvious.' "I researched the poisons you weren't immune to and got the strongest dose of one. If you do make it out alive you're gonna be out for a day or two.' I heard the reaper say as I slowly fell asleep.

Narrator pov

The reaper has walked to (Y/n) body and placed a rag in her mouth. "Wouldn't want to students to immediately be worried about her." He then opened her mouth looking inside. Only one cut needed stitches and so he quickly stitched it and placed the rag back in her mouth. "You see Irina someone who left you for dead doesn't deserve to be in your presence." The reaper smiled at the blonde. "To think she was the most kindest girl I met and now this." The reaper looked around. "Well time to lock everyone up."

Karma slowly opened his eyes. He noticed some of the others were also getting up. Immediately he got up and spotted (Y/n) quickly he ran to her shaking her but nothing. At first he just thought she was still knocked out and would wake up soon. But when everyone woke up and she was still asleep he got worried. When Irina and the reaper came karma glared at them. "What did you do to (Y/n)?" The reaper just smiled. "I did to her what I did to everyone else. But then again females are so fragile so of course she's gonna be out for awhile." Karma growled. Nagisa then placed a hand on his shoulder. Karma got the hint and went back to caring for (Y/n)

(Y/n) pov

It felt warm. My dream I felt safe. I never feel like this so why now. When I opened my eyes I was in an abandoned house. Walking around I realized who's house this was. "Big brother kei." I smiled. I heard the door opened and I saw him. He had a bag in his hand. My face then dropped. "No!" This was that day. That day he took everything from me. I turned away as I heard the blade connect with him. Then a laugh. The laugh I'll never forget. Then the warm and safe feeling went away. It was replaced by a cold and empty feeling. That's right this is where everything started. I turned around and there my younger self was. Crying and shaking with rage. I held onto a book. Oh I remember that. It's what kei told me was my mothers wishes. It had stories of him. One of the main reasons I hated him. But this was the last piece of it. I was going to kill that man no matter what.

This time felt my eyes slowly open. I wasn't dreaming this time. I saw karma looking down. I noticed the room was a hospital one. "K-karma." I whimpered out. He looked at me with worry and shock. "Don't say anything I'll get the doctor." He dashed out right after. I kept looking around and my mouth felt sore. Oh yeah the reaper made me eat glass. The doctor came and explained everything. I had been poisoned and been asleep for a day and a half. The cut I had wasn't that deep and was gonna heal soon. But I still needed to be in bed for a few days. After he left karma told me what happened when everyone else woke up. Karasuma and koro sensei had found us but koro sensei got trapped cause of Irina. The reaper had planned for all of us to die with koro sensei but Karasuma had started a fight with him. Something had happened with Irina and she got trapped under a wall. She got tricked by the reaper but Karasuma saved her and well she was back on our side. Karasuma had then beaten the reaper. 'I knew it he wasn't the true reaper.' I was somewhat happy but then I remembered irina knew who exactly what I was. "Did bitch sensei say something afterwards?" I asked. "Nothing really. She's gonna come back to teach so that's the end of that." 'Thank god.' I smiled a bit. Karma then placed a hand on my head. "I keep promising you I'll keep you safe then you end up injured in the worst ways." I sighed. "Karma you didn't have control over any of theses situations." He shook his head. "It still won't stop the anger and regret I feel." I held his hand. Just then I felt a gust of wind and a bunch of a flowers were there. "(Y/n) I immediately came over when karma said you were okay. I got all the flowers you have ever mentioned!" The lovely octopus was here. I chuckled slightly. "Thank you koro sensei." I felt sleepy again. "That's night time for you." I shook my head. "I've been asleep for a day already." "The doctor said you need rest." I shook my head again but then slowly fell asleep. I think I'll be ok tomorrow.

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