Chapter 21: silence

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Narrators pov

It had been silent from (Y/n) ever since then. Karma tried to make her laugh or say something but she would give him a slight smile and walk away. Even when she visited kayano. She just gave her the flowers and then walked away. Kayano felt that it was her fault and apologized to karma. Karma didn't say anything cause he wasn't sure about this situation. He kept trying and trying but each time it failed. He knew she needed time but he wanted to hear her voice. "(Y/n) please. Just say something." Karma had never sounded so desperate ever. They were at a park late at night. Sitting on a bench (Y/n) still had her face down. (Y/n) slowly looked at karma. He could see the emptiness in her eyes. As if someone just ripped her life out. It hurt him. (Y/n) placed a hand on his cheek. She placed there foreheads together. It was still quiet and without saying a word she kissed him. Usually karma would initiate the kiss but this time (Y/n) did. It was mainly to distract karma with hope. (Y/n) had a feeling she was gonna die by the hands of her brother but she was also gonna take his life too.

When class begun the whole mood was off. Everyone now had different thoughts about Koro sensei knowing about his past. Normally (Y/n) would try and lighten up the mood but she was no longer talking. Nagisa had asked everyone to get together outside. "I don't know if it's possible but I want to find a way to save koro sensei life." 'Find a way. With Yanagisawa work good luck.' (Y/n) thought. She stood next to karma who had his hands around her waist. One by one some started agreeing. It seemed joyful but then nakamura stood up. "I hate to spoil the mood but I'm against it." Everyone who had agreed were taken aback. "Our relationship is assassin and target that's why I think we should kill him. (Y/n) took a peak at karma and saw his face. He also wanted to kill koro sensei. Some people such as itona and Terasaka group joined nakamura. "You say you want to save him but how?" The two groups went back and forth till karma spoke up. "It's always the talented ones. Thinking everything will go their way. Nagisa aren't you getting a tad full of yourself." Nagisa looked at him. "Here you are the most gifted assassin in e class and you're suggesting we just give up?" Karma let go of (Y/n) and walked near Nagisa. "What about the not so lucky ones still trying their hardest to kill him?" Nagisa shook his head. "When it comes to assassination your way better then me." Karma rubbed the back of his neck. "You just saying that ticks me off even more. You're the worst at understanding how the less powerful feel?" Nagisa spoke up a bit. "That's not it I'm just being honest! Do you hate koro sensei? We did all kinds of fun stuff with him!" Then karma shouted at him. "That's just it! That octopus out everything into making a fun class that wouldn't turn out lazy losers like you! The classroom couldn't exist if our bloodlust were blunted! Can't you see all his hard work?! Or do you have little kid brains to match your body?!" Not even (Y/n) heard karma shout. Nagisa then glared at karma. "Oh? What's with that look? A tiny mouse defying a human?" Nagisa then tried to speak. "I just-." He was cut off by a shove from karma. "Got something to say? How about you say it after beating me in a fight for once?" Karma put on his smirk getting into Nagisa face. "I'll gladly take you on. Bring it." Just then karma kept shoving him and said. "Cmon, cmon, cmon." Karma grabbed Nagisa tie but Nagisa did what everyone wasn't expecting. Nagisa wrapped his legs around karma neck. Karma dropped him to the floor. (Y/n) stood there shock. 'When did Nagisa learn that?' "I'm not going off half assed." Nagisa shouted. Karma then lifted him up and raised his fist. "Why you." Just then Maehara and Isogai broke the two apart holding back karma. "What hell are you two trying to prove?" The two struggle as sugino had no problem holding back Nagisa. 'Too much noise.' (Y/n) played with her hair. Just then they heard a voice. "A junior high fight? How excited but this class is based in assassination. Shouldn't you decide with these?" Koro sensei stood there with paint hall guns. One color blue and the other red. "Red for those who want to kill me, blue for the ones who don't. You guys will pick a color then battle right here on this mountain. The class shall accept the winning team. Win or lose no grudges." Nobody moved. "I'll respect your guys decision. What I'd hate most is for this class to end in discord. If you care about me promise that won't happen." Soon people joined either red or blue. At first everyone was ready to start. "We're forgetting one person."Koro sensei motioned to the trees. (Y/n) stood there no emotion on her face. Karma went to walk to her but (Y/n) made her way into the sun. She held up her phone and pointed at ritsu. "Neutral?" (Y/n) nodded. She went to walk away but karma held her wrist. She looked at him. He wanted to say something but he didn't know what. Again she kissed his forehead another way to distract him.

Then the battle started. (Y/n) didn't watch at all. She sneaked away though she knew koro sensei knew where she was. She was at the cliff where karma jumped. Simply just looking down. If she jumped she was sure the octopus would come and save her. It's not like she wanted to die. Not yet atleast. She needed to kill akio first before anything. It felt somewhat peaceful. With the battle if she was in her normal set of mind she'd probably choose kill but right now she could care less with how koro sensei was killed or saved. She placed her hand over the patch koro sensei placed on her left. Maybe she should kill Yanagisawa too. Just then she sensed someone walking to her. She turned and saw a bruised karma. 'ACT.' (Y/n) stood up immediately and walked to karma placing her hand on his cheek. "Don't worry (Y/n) I'm okay. Nagisa won though so there's that." (Y/n) had a concerned face that karma hugged her to make her stop. "Let's go (Y/n) there waiting for us." He held her hand and led her to the others. Before Karasuma could speak to them she helped bandage Nagisa and karma then they lined up. "I'm sure you all have your one thoughts. I have no objections however there is one condition. You have until the end of the month. Though you might be taking a break there are still plenty efforts to take him down. I want it to be on if you guys to kill him. So promise me that no matter how January turns out, February and beyond will be spent on assassination. Wether you save him or kill him give it your all." Everyone nodded.

The next classes everyone was researching how to save koro sensei. And it just so happened a space station had what they needed. "We have our plan now we just need to start things. The rocket holds two people. Who wants to go?" Isogai spoke as all the boys raised their hands. "I would want to go but I think nagisa and karma should go." Itona said. Karma shook his head. "I'm not going into a risky spot. Just send Terasaka with a dummy. If it crashes nothing will be lost." Everyone agreed that nagisa and karma would be best for this. When it was time though (Y/n) hugged karma. He chuckled slightly and the two shared a kiss. She watched him leave and she felt a slight pain in her heart but she quickly shook it off. She sat with the rest of the class watching the rocket. Kayano had held onto her arm as the rocket launched. 'Be careful karma.' She leaned into kayano. (Y/n) felt a hand on her hand and looked up to see Isogai. He simply smiled at her then walked away. 'Weird.' She thought but walked with the rest of the class. They watched through ritsu how the two were doing. And well they did just fine. They grabbed the data and made their way back. Koro sensei and ritsu helped guide them back to the mountain. Everyone watched there return. (Y/n) stood in the back but tried to be convincing that she was worried for karma. When the two got off (Y/n) rushed to karma and hugged him. He held her back smiling. She still had no emotion on her face but he felt like she cared. Even if she didn't say it he felt loved by her. If only he knew the demon in her head was telling her lies about him.

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