Chapter 10~ living hell

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The weekend went by fast too fast . Sasuke and I were now walking hand in hand to school. we were talking about the weekend and other things .

After the movies I spent most of my time just relaxing and thinking about sasuke . ive never felt so happy in my life but that happiness turned quickly into dread as we made our way to school. sasuke promised me that he wouldn't be too hard on neji but I knew neji would try to provoke him and the whole ordeal will turn into a fist fight. I didn't want to make a big of scene as it already was . sasuke also became even more protective towards me and even went as far as calling me every hour to check up on me . he knew that I was scared to go back to school and swore he would protect me from those bullies . He really is too nice to me .

I've also been curious about his life though . he never really talks about his family besides the odd comment about how crazy his mother is or the tinge of disgust in his voice whenever he mentions his father . I also believe he is embarrassed about his brother even though I wouldn't be as he is one of the managers for a huge company called the akatsuki which works under one of the uchiha company's . I still don't get the whole uchiha clan thing , it seems like all the family members either own a huge money owning company or work at the higher up regions. the same goes for the hyuga clan.

Sasuke and I walked into school bid each other our goodbyes and split up to head to classes. nothing in particular happened apart from uncomfortable glares from girls and the odd boy as well as whispers and mean comments .

seeing as naruto was in most of my classes he was always cheering me up because sasuke strictly told him to 'look after me when he was not around or he would continuously bang the blondes forehead against a lamppost until it cracked open'. naruto , being the good friend he is or is just scared of sasukes wrath made me smile and partnered up with me (as I'm pretty sure no one would group up with a 'slut' like me as they say) . I've beginning to feel more confident now that I have sasuke , naruto and a couple of friends in their group but I can't shake the feeling that sasuke is hiding something and I want to be there for him like he has been for me .

Simply Because I love him

I had just finished getting my books out of my locker and was walking down the hall to the cafeteria to meet up with sasuke and solve this whole neji thing . this made me terribly nervous . suddenly I heard loud tapping noises coming my way . I turned to see a frantic naruto running after me . "(your name)!!!" He huffed out . " Come quick !" . "Naruto what's wro-whoa !!!!". He grabbed my wrist and and began running again , dragging me along . "naruto ! What's wrong !". He did not respond and continued to make his way to the cafeteria . he then abruptly stopped at the entrance where near by was a huge group of students surrounding an area shouting "fight ! Fight !". Now absolutely curious , I made my way into the crowd and shoved my way through and there I saw a sasuke uchiha beating the sh*t out of neji hyuga who was trying to fight back . "don't ever talk about her like that you hear me you b*sterd ! " Roared sasuke and gave poor neji another hard hit in the face . I finally pushed my self into the fight screaming sasuke to stop but it held to no prevail . I eventually made it to the two and blocked neji from another hit .

I felt sasukes clenched fist collide with my face and heard a small crack and the sound of hundreds of students grasping . the force threw me over to the side so that I no longer blocked the hyuga . I landed onto the hard ground with an 'oof ' and felt the stinging of the fist on my nose and cheek area. "(your name)?!". Sasuke hastily ran over to my throwen body and helped me sit up . he was fuming with rage . "why did you do that ? Why did you get in the way ?!" . He grasped my face and examined the spot . " that was so stupid! Why would you do that ! ". "Hey stop telling her off uchiha!" . The raven turned his attention back to neji who had blood tickling down from his nose , a black eye and a swelling forehead . "you shut the f*ck up !" . "What ? Me shut up !? Your the one that hurt ( your name) !" . "L-look I-I m fi-" I stuttered but was interrupted by sasuke . "no I didn't !" ." Hey hey ! Guys stop this ! " Naruto said coming in between the two . "if you keep on fighting your going to get in trouble " ."hn".sasuke lifted me up bridle which made all the girls hiss in jealousy and sasuke gave neji one last glare before leaving the premises .

"Why would you do that you silly girl"sasuke continued to ask as he checked my face ." I'm fine sasuke ". he sighed "no you are not ! You always get hurt and its my job to stop that and I'm failing miserably! What type of boyfriend am I ?".

Sasuke and I were located on the roof casually sitting down face to face . "it's ok , it's my fault after all ". "no no no it's my fault for starting the fight but it's just ...". "Just what sasuke ? ". " He said something about you ". he looked down onto his lap . I shifted uncomfortably ."what did he say ". a small blush appeared on his face as well as an angered look. "he ..... He was describing how it was like to kiss you". there was a moments silence " oh sasuke is that it ? Wow you get angry easily" I joked . " I just didn't want him to talk about you that way ". I smiled , I like how childish and nicer he became around me ."well I think we sorted out the neji situation then " i chuckled. Sasuke sighed . " I guess but school still won't be easy especially for you ". " Don't worry sasuke , as long as you are with me I don't care what happens". he chuckled . "ok then" . he then hugged me and gave me a light kiss on the forehead .

"Whatever you say "

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