Chapter 7~ a secret

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I was walking down the same path that lead to school until I hear his steps rushing to me again . I smiled ' I guess this will be a daily thing now ' . I finally stopped walking and turned to sasuke . "we are dating now , the least you could do is wait !" He huffed out . I blushed. "s-sorry". "Tch no need to say sorry ". he grabbed my wrist lightly and continued to walk . "I see you didn't cut ,I'm glad ". My blush grew and I smiled again . he then sighed . "but there is a problem ". "w-what ? " I asked worried ."my fangirls ". My vision was lead to the ground and I slightly shook. "I'm sorry but we must keep this relationship secret , I've already lead unwanted attention towards you and I don't want to repeat the past ". I nodded . "I understand ". he squeezed my hand and I looked up into his gorgeous dark eyes . he smiled at me . "don forget that I love you ok ?". I nodded again still feeling heat on my face .

I was sitting down listening to Kakashi's boring lecture , half daydreaming about sasuke . ' stop this ! Your going to turn into one of his fangirls ! ' . I would be lying if I didn't say I was scared and unsure about this relationship . I was worried this was a dream or some joke that he made up plus I have noticed neji keeping his eyes on me . I could even feel his gaze on me now strangely . I was even more worried about if someone found out about our relationship and that the bullying would continue , not like it's already started ( note sarcasm) . Not to mention kakashi was staring at me through the whole lecture again with a worried expression I again did my famous ignoring powers like I have been doing to poor naruto sitting next to me . I couldn't wait for break because before sasuke left for class he told me he wanted to ask me something up at the roof . I smiled out at the window I was looking at .

Whatever is going to happen in the future ,I didn't care , I was just finally happy.

I rushed to my locker , stomach bubbling with happiness and I couldn't help show it on my face with a small smile . I dumped my books and quickly gathered my next class books into my bag . I shut the locker but before I could lock it and run off someone's hand prevented me . neji. "oh hi neji" I squeaked . he smiled at me . "where are you in a rush to ?". "Oh um well". I hesitated . his expression hardened a bit . "(your name)?". "I want to read the next chapter in my book !" I shouted out . he flinched . "ok can I accompany you ?" . "No ! I mean I would rather be alone ". and with that I escaped his grasp and ran off .

I made it to the the roof l -"your late"said a stern voice . "s-sorry " i panted ."neji wanted to talk to me ". "about what ?" Venom was lacing his voice now . I stood up straight ."he wanted to know why I was in a rush ". "is that all ?" I nodded and made my way towards him . he suddenly kissed me on the lips . my arms wrapped around his slim neck and his arms hugged my thin waist . we broke apart but continued to embrace each other with small smiles adorning our features . "Do you want to go to the movies this weekend? " Sasuke asked . my heart fluttered and of course I blushed while my smile grew . "of course sasuke !" I exclaimed trying not to sound too excited but failing . he chuckled . "ok but I will need your number " . my face must of looked like a tomato as I fumbled to get my phone out . this made him chuckle more as he took his own phone out . we quickly exchanged numbers and with a quick kiss we left the roof to head back to class.

I sat down in my usual seat in art and immediately took out my sketchbook and drew . Sai came in next and sat next to me again . "what are you drawing this time ?" . "Oh just a rose". he leaned in more to see the image . "wow that's amazing " . "thanks". we were soon in a full out art conversation and I noticed at times that sai would gain a little pink colour on his pale cheeks . sasuke came into class a little late and seemed to have grimaced at the sight of sai and I talking and when he saw him blush again he looked beyond pissed. not being able to do anything he sat down in his seat in a huff. he kept looking in the corner of his eye at us while we laughed at a joke I made .

"Were you flirting with sai ?" ."Huh?". Sasuke and I were back up on the roof eating lunch ."answer the question ". "w-wha ! No ! ". He suddenly kissed my forehead head . "good". I giggled a bit . "is sasuke jealous?". "What! No! I just wish we were able to be , you know not be in a secret relationship " he mumbled . I hugged him ."me too".

But who would have known that the secret would soon be out of the bag as a pair of glasses wearing eyes watched them through the crack of the door .

*whaaaaaaaa sorry that it's short /;^;/ but I had to make it short so that the next chapter will be longer and based on Friday . so that chapter might take some time to write so enjoy this chapter for now !

Hmmmm and I wonder who's the glasses wearing person -.-? *

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