"Mom ! I'm home !" I shouted as I walked into my house located in America . "Mom? dad?" I searched all over the ground floor then made my way up the stairs "hello is any body her-" I paused as I saw blood staining the wooden floor ."mo-o-m d-d-ad ?? " I stuttered following the blood trail into their room.
"Rrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnggggggg" the bell rang waking me up from that dreadful trance signalising that it was the end of math class . I moaned as this was a reminder that I had to still face the first day of school.
Neji was waiting outside the door when I finished packing up my books and without a word he walked off to the next class with me tagging along . Even though he was silent (which to be honest I preferred ) I could sense him catching a few glances at me . I obviously got annoyed about this but no expression was shown on my face as I continued to look at the ground .
He and I both walked into the classroom which held science taught by orochimaru . I took a seat at the back near the window and began daydreaming while looking out the window until I heard a loud cheerful voice say "wow you got a hard one there neji!". This obviously aggravated me as I knew they were talking about me. I pretended not to have heard it as neji told him to quiet down." Hmmmmm say neji why don't you ask the new girl if she wants to eat with us at lunch ? , even tho she told us not to bother her " he mumbled the last part .this made my eyebrow twitch even tho I still had a emotionless facade on." Naruto I don't think- " neji was cut off by a deepish voice . "I doubt she would hang out with a dobe like you "said the deep voice . "Ne sasuke what makes you think that ? Maybe she's lonely ?" . "I think announcing to the whole class to stay away from her means that she want to eat with us" the deep voice named sasuke muttered sarcastically . 'would these guys stop talking about me !' You thought now angry but still starring out the window trying to block out their conversation. "whatever" replied naruto finally shutting up! "Tch"was sasukes response as I heard him walking my way. I sensed him sitting next to me but I payed no attention and continued to daze out the window waiting for this damn class to start !
Before the class started I felt someone tap my shoulder . I turned my pocker face to him . He had black raven hair tied into a pony tail that kinda had a duck butt style and he had dark emotionless eyes that stared into my soul , basically he looked like the popular guy in school that broke girls hearts ,stereotypical ."hey what's your name brat" he demanded . I flinched at the word brat and glared at him . " Isn't it the proper curtesy to introduce yourself first ? " I Asked in a stern and quiet yet emotionless voice . "hn" he answered . I turned back to the window and replied " (your name)" . the boy didn't answer back as he knew I was distracted by the outside world but I felt him starring at me which annoyed me . 'Whats with people and starring ??'
Finally the teacher walked in and I must say he was the coolest teacher by far ! Was not stereotypical at all plus he had pretty cool make up. he told us that our partners for the year was the person you sat next to . 'great now I'm stuck with the duck butt'. I felt glares off of multiple girls but completely ignored them as I continued to day dream.'he's probably using me to get rid of the fan girls'
The next class was history taught by hiruzen (third hokage) who was just an old man .then finally it was break time the time I could sit down and read .
I walked into the packeted cafeteria and found an empty table near the window in which I sat down and read my book which was a scary killer story about Jack the Ripper (a famous killer search him up) . I felt some eyes starting at me and looked up to see neji, naruto ,Sai, Sakura and sasuke starring with other people glancing at me also from a table not so far away . I glared at them back and pulled my attention back to my book.
I walked up to my locker in the halls and dumped all my unneeded books and grabbed my gym bag and other books for the next classes and stuffed them into my school bag. Then all of a sudden a group of squealing girls trampled over me and I landed onto the floor saying curses under my breath I stood back up thinking that it meant sasukes locker was right next to mine and oh boy I was right. Saying another curse under my breath after seeing the duck butt , I grabbed my gym bag and school bag and locked my locker before running to the changing room.
I must say the gym clothes are super Pervy as the navy shorts were basically booty shorts with a baggy polo shirt . I tied up my hair into a pony tail( if you have long hair) and pulled up my knee high socks. Me and the other girls walked out of the changing rooms only to be met by whistles from boy in which brought a red tint on my blank face . I glanced at the other students noticing that I had the same class as Sasuke, Naruto and Sakura . as always I ignored them and payed my attention to gai sensei our gym teacher.

But I'm broken (modern day Sasuke x Reader)
FanfictionThis is a modern day reader x sasuke Reader has to go to a new school because her parents have recently died . She kills all emotion as she does not want to form bonds and end up hurt because of them, as well as her being a shy girl in general . Sa...