Chapter 5 ~ protect me

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The walk was long , silent although comforting but I shouldn't get use to it and prepare myself for him to just leave me and I will go back to my boring, painful life .

"Hey dipsh*ts were do you think your going ?!" Shouted a familiar voice that I learned was called the name hidan and his two posses were called deidara and zetzu . Sasuke and I rapidly turned around to see the running group catching up to us . "sh*t " mumbled sasuke as he grabbed my hand and ran .

I pulled at our connected hands . " Stop pulling or they will get us !" Sasuke shouted . " Just leave me " I responded starring emotionlessly at him . he turned his head to look at me in shock . I tugged my hand out of his grasp and stood there . sasuke stopped running also and turned his whole body to face me . "w-what do you mean?". "there is no need to 'help' me anymore just go back to your petty life ........ I can handle the pain". I stared down at my shoes maybe to afraid to meet his gaze and see his reaction . the foots steps behind us grew louder and continued to ran after us . " Don't be stupid " sasuke muttered . I looked up at him in shock and he grabbed my hand again and ran , faster than before. " I'm not gonna let you be beaten up by these b*sterds".

We made it to my apartment door and hopefully those jerks didn't follow us or I would be in bigger trouble . We were both panting hard in front of my door . I would invite him inside but I didn't want him to find anything like the left over blood stains on the sink from last night. " um thank you again" I mumbled after a silence that consisted of us of only breathing heavily . "hn". 'should have guessed that would be his response' . I ignored his reply and turned to my door and opened the door with my keys . before I could enter the cold empty apartment , I felt Sasuke grab my wrist for the third time this day . he skilfully spin me around to face the Ravens beautiful and emotionless face . I gasped in surprise as I did not expect the sudden gesture . Sasuke stared deeply into my ( eye colour) eyes with his onyx black ones . he looked like he was fussing over saying an important thing . my heart was beating like a drum about to burst from my chest and my trembling weak knees shook with impatience "I .. Would you go out with me tomorrow ?" .'..........what ? Did he just ask me out ? Omg I'm so ha- no I must say no '. " o-ok " I stuttered now feeling the heat rise in my cheeks resulting in red cheeks . 'Idiot'. "we will go after school then !" Sasuke kinda blurted out seemingly proud of himself . "ok see you in school then " . "Yeah tomorrow " he responded with a ghost smile which I sent back a genuine happy smile and I swore I saw a pink tint on his cheeks . "bye"


I closed the door and slid down to the floor , back against the door . 'what just happen? The Sasuke uchiha actually asked me out ? Wait I'm going way over my head ! What if he is pranking me ? Yeah a joke ...... Well I guess I better find out tomorrow then ......heh ' I brushed my hand through my silky hair and sighed . 'this is really hurting my head ' . I finally stood up after awhile of pondering and got changed into comfortable clothes .

Imagine if he found out I cut myself ? What if I did invite him in ? That would have been a stupid move . I examined the still fresh cut from last night and my old scars from over the years . I normally wore a long sleeved shirt with my uniform and gym gear to hide the shame . I'm a train wreck that's why I tend to avoid people but Sasuke seems to have broken one of my walls but there's a lot more to come and i intend to keep them up .

Depression , anorexia , suicidal , cutting , these are my daily problems and that's why I stay away from people or I would hurt them but as people say the past is the past . Right ?

I grabbed the sharp knife casually laying on the kitchen desk . I need to do it but I shouldn't .

~~~~~|next day|~~~~~

"Mmmmm what happened?" I moaned groggily . I then noticed the red metallic liquid laying on my stomach . I glanced at a deep cut on my wrist . ' huh guess I didn't kill myself this time ' . I slowly stood up all dizzy and suddenly remembered the nightmare I just had . it wasn't as bad and gruesome as it usually would be but just remembering that horrifying night gives me a wave of sadness and depression . I tried to shake it off but no use I will never forget . I finally drank some water which lifted off the developing headache I was receiving. I treated my wounds and got ready for a tiring day of school and afterwards . when it was time to do hair and face I wondered if I should actually make an effort to look good for Sasuke . I decided on it , ignoring the voices saying no . (for long haired people) I tied my hair into an ariana grande hair style of a high ponytail but had some hair out of it ( if that makes sense) for make up I did simple concealer and mascara it wasn't much but it did some improvement on my face ( don't worry your beautiful without make up :*) I stared at the person in the mirror . 'Sasuke better appreciate the effort I did for hi- no this is for myself not him !'.

I finished getting ready and left the apartment with my needed items and began the tedious walk.

Halfway though my walk I heard the familiar foot steps rushing to me owned by none other that the uchiha himself , Sasuke . I stopped for him which is rare for me to wait for someone . he caught up to me panting slightly while I pondered on the reason on why he always trying to catch up to me . we continued the silent walk until he broke the silence . " You look different "he pointed out. "Tch yeah so ?" . 'He's so arrogant ' . he suddenly cupped my chin and turned my face to him . he leaned closely to my face that our noses almost touched. "you look prettier " . I looked at him in shock . 'Hmph I guess he does like 'fake beauty ' I should of known' ." the gesture is nice and all but I prefer your natural beauty ". "W-what ?!? Who said I did this for you ?!?" i shrieked all flustered ."hn" . then the silence returned but Sasuke kept staring at me and I just glared at the ground blushing slightly .

It was gym and we were going to play this exercise course with a partner . I stood still as others went around and selected friends for partners and seeing as I was cold and ignored most of the teens , I had no friends. not like I care though . I felt someone lightly tap my shoulder as if I would break and I turned around to meet Sasuke . "do you want to be partners ?" He asked cooly. "all the girls are asking but they annoy me ". "then why not naruto ?" . He glared at me . "he is annoying too, so you are my partner and that's it !". "Hmph !". 'He doesn't have to baby me !'. I felt death glares all around me from his fangirls . I knew that if I hung out with the uchiha I would be hated which I didn't mind as I'm used to it but I didn't expect him to act all buddy with me in school ! I looked at the ground ignoring the stares , I felt like I was back in my old school . I shivered at the thought and Sasuke noticed it and sent me a concerned look.

I was breathing heavily and running behind the uchiha. 'jeez he is fast !'. " Hurry up slowpoke! " He shouted with a smirk while glancing over his shoulder to look at me . I smirked back . without me realising it he grabbed one of my wrists tightly ........... The newly cut one . I jolted in pain and stopped running and ripped my hand away from his grasp . surprised at the sudden movement Sasuke also stopped running and slowly walked towards me . "what's wrong ? " . "I-it's nothing " I replied fidgeting with my long sleeves to hide the cuts . unfortunately he saw me doing this and swiftly clutched my
wrist again . I hissed in pain and gave him a pleading look in which he ignored. "p-please Sasuke I-it's nothing !". I felt like crying but I tried to keep my emotionless facade though failing miserably . Sasuke pulled the sleeve down and his eyes widened in shock at the multiple cuts that covered my smooth skin . his eyes lingered at the wrapped bandage that covered my new wound . his grip on my wrist loosened and he eventually let go of it . gai sensei was now shouting at us to continue the exercise oblivious on what's going on. "Sasuke I- " . "We will talk about this at lunch ". then he took off running to the finishing line . I ran after him and retrieved last place with him . he could not stop giving me a concerned and sad look .

I walked down the erie hall not wanting to face Sasuke but I had to or he would tell everyone . I went around a corner and stopped at the bench that we sat together on last time . he was already there eating his lunch . I took a deep breath and walked towards him . I sat down and was met by silence. " look Sasuke I understand if you don't want to be friends with some broken gir-"."sh". 'did he just hush me ?!?'. " (Your name)?". "Yeah?". "Why would someone like you do this to yourself?". I looked at him with his head hung low and hand tightly holding his lunch box. "I don't know how to answer that" . "and I'm guessing you are suffering from anorexia also ? " . "Yes". now I knew he would find that out also . Sasuke sighed and turned to look into your eyes . "(your name) I want you to tell me everything! Your life , Family ,struggles everything ". I stared at him in shock not expecting this , where should I even start ? . "Um I ". i don't know if I should trust him. "I'm not sure if I trust you , I've never told anybody everything about me " . " look we can no longer be friends , I'm just trouble , I'm going to hurt you , burden you , that's why I push people away , so for your own sake- " . "If I prove to you that you can trust me in our date will you tell me ? ". I was shocked and interrupted by him again . "are you even listening?!?". I stood up . "I'M A LOST CAUSE WHY ARE YOU BOTHERING?" I shouted at him . "just leave me alone ". Tears were now spilling slowly down my cheeks . I suddenly felt two strong soft and warm arms wrap around my waist and tightly embrace me . I froze in shock because of his actions . "I WILL gain your trust and the you WILL tell me !" He said in determination . he then let go of me and gave me a genuine smile .

"Im sorry that I didn't notice sooner"

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