Chapter 1 ~the new girl

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~(hair type)-eg. curly , straight ect. ~


It was a cold and snowy day today . I turned my gaze away from the window , got out of my lovely ,warm bed and slowly walked towards my wardrobe to get dressed into my new school uniform. 'I really don't want to go to school' I thought while brushing my (hair colour ) (hair type) hair in front of the small mirror .

My feet dragged me to the empty kitchen . 'Should have known ' I thought as I began fixing up breakfast for myself. I munched on the small portion of cereal and began to wonder on what my new school would be like . "probably the same as always , a hassle " I mumbled to myself now losing interest in my cereal . I got up from the cold counter and decided to get ready to get out of the door . I put on my (coat colour) coat and (colour of hat scarf and gloves ) hat ,scarf and gloves then grabbed my (bag colour) bag that had multiple keychains attached to it , giving off a jingle sound . lastly I took my phone and keys and opened my door to the Dreary outside world .I closed the apartment door behind me before walking though the snow to the school.

The walk was long and boring but I made it to the new school 'konoha high' . my eyes stared at the floor as if ashamed on even showing up . I sighed deeply before walking into the building to find the schools office .

Finally finding it , I stared at the principal who had light blonde hair named Tsunade . She began talking about how good this school is and how academic it is ect ect . I wasn't bothered about it but pretended to listen . After a while she stopped rambling and gave me my timetable Then I walked out the door to meet my escort.

A handsome boy with long dark brown hair tied at the end with thick rimed nerd glasses that held pale emotionless eyes like mine stood by the door ready to show me around . "You must be (your name) (your last name) I'm Neji hyuga The prefect " he introduced himself . 'Great ' I sarcastically thought in my head 'another snotty brat '. I nodded at his introduction but said nothing as I did not feel like talking . He seemed to have took note on this and began walking down the well lit hall with me following behind .

~(prefect - one of the smartest or important and popular people in school that go to council meetings for the school)~

Neji opened the classrooms door which was now holding the lesson maths . The teacher who I found was called iruka turned with a smile on his face 'ugh he's one of those kind of teachers ' I thought now wishing more than ever that I didn't have to go to school . "Ah you must be the new student ! Come, introduce yourself " he enthusiastically said still smiling . Neji turned to me and said "I'll collect you after class to escort you to your next class". 'Tch I don't need babystitting ' I thought as I roughly nodded trying not to show my irritated face .

He left and I walked into the class and stood in front of the students . 'Great now I have to talk'. In my light , quiet but loud enough voice I introduced myself . "Tch my name is (your name) (last name) and I want you all to stay away from me " I bluntly said. The teacher formed a sweat drop on the side of his head while the class looked a bit scared . "Um ok" wavered iruka "questions anyone ?". A hand belonging to a pink candy floss haired girl sprung up . 'Great she's going to be one of those popular cheery girls who are actually evil' I thought . The teacher sighed "yes sakura ?" . "Is there anyone you fancy in this room ?"she asked . 'Ugh really I just came in here and you ask me that ? How stupid are you ? '. Keeping my cool emotionless expression i bluntly said "no you all look like nobody's " . Their shocked irritated faces stared at me as I turned to the sweat dropping teacher . " where will I be sitting ?" I asked now just wanting to sit down . "Um next to Sai in the right corner at back near the window. I nodded and walked to my assigned seat .

When I sat down Sai looked at me with a convincing fake smile but I knew it was fake believe me I've been down and up that road. "Quite a performance you put there" he said but I merely ignored him and payed my attention to the window as if I didn't even see him.

'This going to be a long day'

*what Ya think ??? Pls comment on what you thought and pls vote thanks ~<3*

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