Chapter 17: The Profile

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Morgan's POV:
"We're looking for a white male in his late 20's to early 30's, we believe he has recently broken up with a girlfriend or wife" Hotch says, "What makes you way that?" One of the deputies asks, "Because all the victims have been girls, and they've all been killed in different ways, we believe he's doing this to symbolise the many different ways he feels cut up about the relationship. He also left 3 cards at the last crime scene, all of them were hearts. The king of hearts: to represent himself, the queen of hearts: to represent the girl who broke his heart, and the ace of hearts: to show that even though he hates her for leaving him, she's still the best person in the world to him" "What about the tattoos?" The same deputy asks, "We think that the person who broke his heart had a tattoo of a bird somewhere on her body, they might have gone to get the tattoo together, or it might have been as a celebration of their relationship" I explain, "He is most likely a tattoo artist, this is how he knows which females have bird tattoos, he will have probably written it down in a notebook when they come in for their tattoos, bird tattoos are quite common these ways so he won't be running out of victims anytime soon" Emily continues, "That's all, thank you" Hotch says. All the police turn to walk off, I follow the rest of the team into the room Sheriff Stevens set up for us. "We need to call Garcia and get her to narrow down the list" Hotch says, I agree and pick up the phone, dialling her number. "You've called Penelope Garcia's office of supreme genius how may I help you?" She says when she answers the phone, "Hey Babygirl" I say, "Hey chocolate thunder" she replies, "Morgan" Hotch warns, "What?" I ask, turning around to see Stevens standing is the doorway looking shocked, "She's my wife" I explain, "Right" he says and turns to Hotch. "So what do you need?" Garcia asks, "I need you to do one of your favourite things" "What? Do you?" She asks, "Lists Garcia, lists. He's still there" I say, referring to Stevens, "Ok what kind of lists?" She asks, "I need you to get all the tattoo artists within a 30 mile radius of here" "Okay... Wow, that's a lot, gimme something more" "How many are male?" "Still too many" "Have any of them recently gone through a divorce?" "Yep, 38, turns out the tattoo industry isn't good for relationships" "Any of them have a gun licence?" "This is America sweet pea; all except one" "Okay, did any of them work on any of the victims?" "This will take me a bit, I'll hit you back when I get something" "Okay bye, love you" "Love you too" she says and hangs up.

"Jage?" "Hmm?" I say, looking up at Emily, "You okay?" She asks, "Yeah, I'm fine, are you okay?" I ask back, "Yeah why wouldn't I be?" "No reason, how's the baby holding up?" "Perfect" she says, placing a hand on her stomach and smiling. Hotch calls her over so she walks off. The truth is; I'm not okay, I'm worried about Spence. He's been having nightmares about the abduction lately, he's been really distant and then out of the blue he insists on going back to work. I know he's just trying to cope with the situation but he's not sleeping, he's not eating properly. I sigh and decide to call him, after 3 attempts I call Garcia. "Speak and be recognised, oh mighty one!" She says, "Hey Garcia it's JJ" "What can I do for you?" "Is Spence there?" I ask, "Yeah I'll put him on" "Thanks" I say and wait for her to put Spencer on the phone, "Hey" "Hey Spence, what's up?" "Nothing new, why are you calling?" He asks, "To see how you're holding up" I reply, "I'm good" he says, "Spence, not only am I a profiler, but I'm also your girlfriend, you'll have to do better than that" I say, "Yeah, I guess I'm alright, kinda tired but that's about it" "That's better" I smile, "I can literally hear your smile" he says, "I miss you" "I miss you too, I gotta go, love you" I say and hang up. "I wanna talk to the FBI!" I hear, I turn around and walk into the main section of the station, "Ma'am, can I help you?" I ask the lady who's going off at one of the police officers, "Are you from the FBI?" She asks, "Yes ma'am" "My daughter, she's missing!" She practically yells, "Okay, what's your name?" I ask, "Sarah Berkley, please, you have to help me" "We'll do everything we can, let's go sit down" I say and lead her into another room where we can sit down at talk in private. "Tell me what happened" I say, "My daughter, Skylar, she didn't come home from work last night, she usually finishes late so I go to bed before she gets home, when I woke up this morning she wasn't there" "Okay, was there anything out of the ordinary when she left for work yesterday?" "No, it was just like every other day" "Was there anything different about this week?" I ask, "No I--oh, yes, Skylar got a tattoo 3 days ago, she was so excited" the woman breaks down, "Okay, ma'am, this is really important, what was the tattoo of?" "It was, um, it was a bird" she says and my heart sinks, "Okay, thank you" I say and leave the room, "Hotch, it's the same guy" "Garcia" he says before I even realise she's on the phone, "Yes" "We need everything on a girl called, um" "Skylar Berkley" I finish. "Sure thing, Skylar Berkely is 17, she works at a small, late night coffee shop, owns a Toyota Camry, dropped out of school as a sophomore, I'm sending you her picture now" she says as a photo pops up on my phone, I click on it to see a blonde haired, blue eyed girl staring back at me. "Okay Sheriff, I need you to put up road blocks at all exits of the city, he keeps his victims here but if he thinks we're on to him he might make a run for it" Hotch says, "Sure thing" Sheriff Stevens says and leaves the room.

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