Chapter 26: He's Back

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Rossi's POV:
I look at the backseat through the rear view mirror; JJ has fallen asleep on Reid. I smile and how cute they are and look back at the road. The phone rings, waking JJ up, "Rossi" I say when I answer, "Hey Dave, it's Hotch, we have Garcia on the line" Hotch says through the phone, "Okay Garcia, what've you got?" I ask. "Well, it turns out that all the shops actually had video cameras installed, but all three were turned off approximately 5 minutes before the murders" Garcia informs us, "So he has access to the cameras, or he's good with computers" I say, "Yeah, thanks Garcia" Hotch says, "That's what I'm here for" she replies and hangs up. "Okay Dave, when we get there, you go to the station and get set up, Morgan and I will go to the most recent crime scene" "Okay" I say and hang up.
I look through the rear view mirror again to see JJ give Reid a kiss, "Okay lovebirds, that's enough" I say, laughing, JJ turns bright red and looks away, I chuckle and focus on the road.

Prentiss' POV:
Garcia clutches at her stomach, struggling for breath as she laughs her head off, I wipe my eyes as the tears begin, "I was so scared though" she laughs, "I seriously thought we had slept together, but I couldn't remember because I was so drunk" "Is that why you weren't taking to him all day?" I ask, "Yeah, cause I thought I cheated" "Poor Derek, he would've had no idea what was going on" I laugh "Yeah, I know!" Penelope laughs, she spins around in her chair and knocks over her cup of coffee. Be both stop laughing and sit up in horror. "Em, run and get me some paper towels!" she orders, "I can't run!" I say, pointing at my belly, "Well then I'll get some paper towels, just try to clean this up!" she says and runs out of the room. I pick the cup up and throw it in the bin, then bring the bin over and do my best to wipe the liquid into it. Garcia comes running back and starts wiping the rest of the spilled coffee up, she chucks some paper towel at me and I start helping.
Once all the coffee is cleaned up, she cautiously clicks one of the buttons, we both let out a sigh of relief as it works. "That was way too close" she says, "Yeah, no more coffee" I say and sit back down. I open my mouth to say something when I'm interrupted by a knock at the door. Penelope gets up to see who it is. She opens the door to reveal Anderson standing there, "A letter came for you" he says, handing it to her and leaving. She walks back over and sits down, opening the envelope. She pulls out a handwritten note and her eyes widen in fear as she reads it. When she's finished she hands it to me without saying a word. I read it and realise why she looked so scared: Hey 'babygirl'. How's that husband of yours? I think you deserve way better than him, and I always get what I want. See you soon.
I immediately pick up the phone and call Hotch, "Em?" he asks when he answers, "Aaron, it's happened again, but this time it's worse" I say, "What's happened? Emily are you in labour?!" he asks in panic, "No, the stalker, Penelope got a note" "What? Okay Emily, can you read it out to me?" he asks calmly, but I can hear the anger in his voice, "He said: 'Hey babygirl. How's that husband of yours? I think you deserve way better than him, and I always get what I want. See you soon'" I read out. There's a short pause, then Hotch speaks again, "Garcia?" "Yes sir?" "I'm really sorry but there's nothing we can do right now, as soon as this case is over we will look into it, but until then, make sure you don't go anywhere alone. If you need to go somewhere, get Andersen to go with you. I'll have a look as soon as I can. And Emily?" he asks, "Yeah?" "I love you" "I love you too" I say and he hangs up. I look over at Garcia as a tear rolls down her cheek, "Pene, it'll be alright" I say, "What if he tries to hurt Derek?" she asks, trying not to break down, "He won't, it'd take one hell of a guy to take down Derek Morgan" I say and she smiles, "Thanks Em" she says and gives me a hug. I flinch as the baby kicks, "What? Em what is it?" she asks worriedly, "Nothing, it was just a kick" I reassure her, "Oh, can I feel?" she asks, "Sure" I laugh and she gently places her hands on my belly. We sit in silence, waiting for another kick. "Did you feel that?" I ask, smiling, "Yes!" she says and sits back, satisfied. "Em, you're gonna be the best mum" she says, "Aw thanks!" I say and smile to myself, glad that I have such a great friend.

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