Chapter 32: You're Too Late

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Andersen's POV:
I sit next to Emily on the couch, watching tv. She yawns and gently puts her hand on her belly. "Do you mine me asking how far along you are?" I ask, "35 weeks, I'm due in 5" she says, "You excited?" I ask, "Yes, very" she smiles, "Well I think you'll be a great mum" I say, "Thanks!" she laughs and turns back to the tv.

Something smashes in the kitchen and we both jump, quickly turning around. I see Emily starting to panic so I get up off the couch, pulling my gun out of my belt as I go. "Be careful" she says as I walk slowly to the kitchen. I look around the kitchen and see that a glass has fallen off the bench and smashed. I shut the window, realising that the wind has blown it off the bench, and put my gun away. "It's okay Emily" I call, heading back to the lounge room, "It was just a glass--" I stop talking when I see Emily; being held with a gun to her head as she quietly whimpers. I go to reach for my gun but the man stops me. "Do it and I'll kill her" he says calmly. I freeze and stare at him, scared out of my mind and unsure of what to do. A tear rolls down Emily's cheek and I can see her shaking. A loud noise sounds, followed by scream by Emily and a sharp pain in my leg. I cry out and clutch my bleeding shin. Another shot sounds and this time my wrist is hit. I yell and drop to the ground. I go to grab my gun but he shoots my other arm. I clench my teeth through the unbearable pain and look up to see him gag Emily with a piece of black cloth. He points the gun to her head and leads her out of the house. "No!" I yell but he's already out of the house. My vision blurs and I start to feel light headed. I try to reach for my phone, but its on the table. Trying to get up is too much and I black out.

Morgan's POV:
"Where's Prentiss?" I ask when Hotch walks into the bullpen alone, "She's at home, I didn't want her here with the current situation" he says and I frown, "Oh no, Andersen's with her" he says, answering the question I was about to ask, "Oh okay" I say and we walk into the round table room. "Okay so let's start fresh" Hotch says when everyone's taken their seats, "Garcia, did you find anything from the security cameras?" he asks, "Yes, I did actually" she says and then pauses, "Oh, I think I left it in the car" she says and turns to go get it, "Hang on baby, I'm coming with you" I say, getting up out of my chair. We walk to the car together and Penelope grabs her laptop out. We're about to walk back inside when Penelope sees something, making her stop. "What? Baby what is it?" I ask, she leans over and pulls a note from the windscreen of the car. She opens it up and shows me the neat handwriting that reads: Time's ticking. She looks at me nervously and we walk inside to show the others.

"Hotch, we got another one" I say when we enter the round table room. He looks at the note and reads it out. Everyone looks at each other in confusion of the very vague note and Hotch picks up the phone, "I'm calling Emily" he explains and I nod. He dials Emily's number and puts the phone up to his ear, waiting for an answer. After about 30 seconds he frowns, pulls the phone away and dials the number again. He waits another 30 seconds and then hangs up, "She's not answering" he says, looking at us, "She's probably just sleeping" he says, trying to convince himself more than us. One of the security guards knocks on the door, "Excuse me sir" he says to Hotch, "A letter came for you" he hands Hotch an envelope. The guy leaves and Hotch opens it. I watch the colour drain from his face as he reads the note. "What's it say?" I ask, "You're too late" he says and then marches out of the round table room.

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