Chapter 3: 2 Weeks Later

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Hotch is briefing us on the new case, it's a local one so we aren't taking the jet. He's talking about the victims, but I'm not really paying much attention, I'm too busy watching the door on the other side of the bull pen. Morgan and Garcia are coming back from their honeymoon today, I can't wait, I haven't seen them for two weeks! I miss them so much. "JJ?" "Sorry?" I asked if you could go to the first crime scene with Rossi" "Oh yeah sure" "Okay, Reid, you go with Prentiss to th--" "Hotch I'm really sorry" I say and run out of the room. "Penelope!" I yell as I run across the bull pen "Jage!" She screams back, dropping her bags and giving me the biggest hug possible. "I missed you so much!" I say, stepping out of her embrace, "Hey Morgan" I say, giving him a quick hug. I hear the clomping of heels coming up behind me, so I step out of the way to make room for Em. "Hey Penelope!" She says, hugging Garcia. "Hey Morgan!" "JJ! Prentiss!" We turn around and look at Hotch, "Sorry Hotch" we both say, walking back to the round table room with our heads down. "Yeah, don't do it again" he says sternly, but gives Emily a wink when she walks past. I think being with Emily is the best thing for Hotch, she really brings out the good in him. Garcia and Morgan walk in behind us, carrying their bags with them. "Hey guys" they say when they walk in, "Hey are you guys ready? Because we're leaving now" "Oh yeah let me just get my go bag" "No need Morgan, it's a local one. I need you to come with me, we are going to the third dump site, I'll brief you on the way, lets go everyone" Hotch says and we all get up to leave. I give Spence a quick kiss then walk out to the car.

*1 week later*

Prentiss' POV:
"Stop right there!" I yell as I run. We figured out that the murders of the red haired girls were being performed by a team; 3 men around the age of 20. We found the 2 submissive ones but the third hasn't been found yet. "I said stop!" I yell as I continue to chase him. I round the corner and immediately feel a sharp pain in my left arm. "Ahh!" I scream and jump back behind the corner. I quickly run back around the corner and take a shot. It hits him in the stomach and he falls to the ground, I run over and kick his gun away, "We need a medic over here!" I call, looking at his wound. My arm starts to throb and I clutch it in pain. I hear footsteps and turn around, expecting it to be the medics. But it's not the medics, it's the third unsub - the dominant one - with a gun pointed to my head. I freeze, I can't do anything, my gun is to far away go grab without getting shot. "Well, well, well, the tables have turned haven't they?" He says with a menacing grin. He pulls back the safety catch on his revolver. I close my eyes, there's nothing I can do. "It's time to go" he says and then I hear the shot.

I open my eyes to see him lying on the ground, Hotch is standing behind him with his gun aimed at the unsub. He realises that the unsub is dead and runs over to me. "Emily, are you okay?" He asks "Yeah I'm fine" I reply, still in shock. "Your arm" he says, noticing the huge patch of blood on my sleeve. "It's okay, really" I say, looking up at him, as if on que, my arm starts throbbing, I grit my teeth and clutch my wound, "Okay, maybe I'm not fine" I admit, applying pressure to it to try stop the bleeding, "C'mon, let's get you to the hospital" he says, "No, wait" I say, walking over to the guy I shot. Hotch puts his fingers on the guys neck and looks up at me. "Emily, he's gone" he says, walking over to me "Oh" I say, realising that I just killed someone, I've done it before, but it's never easy. "It's okay Em" he says, grabbing my waist and leading me over towards the ambulance that was standing by, "You did what you had to do" he says, giving me a kiss. The medics are closing up the ambulance when we walk over. Hotch hurries me over and tells them to wait. "Can she ride in with you? She's been shot in the arm" he explains, "Yeah, but we are leaving now" "Okay" I say and hop in. I look at the person on the bed and realise that it's the second unsub; he's been shot in the chest. Someone in the front turns around and I see that it's Morgan. "Em? What happened to you?" He asks, sounding concerned. "Oh it's nothing" I say as one of the doctors starts patching me up. "Who took the shot?" I ask, referring to the guy in the bed, "That was me, he was shooting like crazy" "Oh" I say, giving him a sympathetic look, shooting someone is never easy.

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