Chapter 35: Taken

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Reid's POV:
JJ and I walk back into the round table room. Everyone has their heads down, studying case files. "What's going on?" I ask, "We think the unsub was a victim from one of our cases and the one of the girls arrested his attacker, hence the reason why he just so happened to fall for 3 FBI agents" Hotch explains. I nod and sit down, JJ sits down next to me and we take a file each, checking to see who made the arrests.

Once all the files have been checked, we are left with 3 piles; one for all the arrests Emily made, one for JJ and one for all of the other cases. "This doesn't make any sense" Morgan says, "What doesn't?" Rossi asks, "How could he have even known Penelope? She doesn't work in the field" Morgan states and we all look at each other. "Wait a minute, doesn't Garcia run a support group?" Rossi asks, "Yeah she does" Morgan says, "What if he was victimised by an unsub who was arrested by JJ or Emily and then started attending Garcia's support group" Rossi says, "Okay, Morgan, go get Garcia, we need to know everyone that attends her support group, then we'll match them to the pile of arrests by JJ and Emily" Hotch says and Morgan leaves the room.

He returns a short while later, closely followed by Garcia carrying her laptop. "Excuse me sir but I hardly think someone from my support group could've done this" she says as soon as she sits down, "Yes, but we can't rule out any possibilities" Hotch says. Garcia gets a list up on her computer and starts reading names from it: "Melanie Grant" she says, everyone starts looking through the files but immediately answer "No" having read every single one, "Thank you Reid" she says, making everyone put the files back. "John Christie" she continues, "No" I answer, "Michael Owen" "Yes, Denver, June 2013" I say and Hotch grabs the file, quickly reading through it, then closing it and putting it back down on the table. "Angie Tyson" Garcia says, "Yeah, Milwaukee, August 2008" I say and Morgan grabs the file. "Chelsea Turner" "No" I answer, "Cameron Jacobs" Garcia reads out, "Yeah, that was a local one; Virginia, May 2014" I say and Rossi picks up the file. "Dylan Richards" Garcia continues when Rossi stops her, "This case; Cameron Jacobs was tied to a bed by his wrists. JJ untied him from the bed while he watched Emily arrest the guy" he says, "Yeah, I remember that, he was so thankful that he wrote us a letter" JJ says, "Do you still have the letter?" Hotch asks, "Yeah" JJ says and gets up to go and get it.
She returns with the letter and hands it to Hotch. "Wait a minute" he says and grabs one of the notes JJ received. "It's the same handwriting" he confirms, "He's our unsub".

"Garcia, can you get us an address?" Hotch asks, "Yes sir, just a minute" she replies and starts typing frantically on her computer keyboard. "He doesn't live far from here, do you want his work address too?" she asks, "No, if he's got Emily, he'll want to spend as much time with her as possible" Hotch states and gets out if his chair, "I've sent his address to your phones" Garcia says and we all stand to leave. "Jage, stay here" Spencer says, "No Spence, I'm coming" I say, "JJ, you're staying here, its safer" Hotch says sternly and I sit back down, "Be safe" I call as they run out the door.
Penelope picks up her laptop and we head back to her office.

I pick up a troll doll off Garcia's desk and start playing with it. "Jage" Penelope says, "Mmm?" I say, looking up from the doll, "Rossi told me about you and Reid" she says and I look away, trying to hide both my shock from her knowing and my tears. "It's okay, some things take time" she says, I give her a half smile and go back to the troll doll, "I'm really sorry Jage" she says and hugs me, I hug her back as I blink back tears.

Penelope and I have been waiting for about half an hour when we get a phone call; "Hey" "Hey, you girls need to see this" "Okay, we'll be there soon" Garcia says and hangs up. We get up and head to the door. "I wonder what it is" Garcia says, "Yeah, it didn't sound good" I say as we walk into the parking lot, "I wish he would just leave us alone" Garcia continues, "Yeah" I say and she stops walking. "What?" I ask, but my question is answered by the cold metal of a gun being pressed into my back, "Act normal and keep walking" A man says, "If you try anything you'll die, both of you" he says and we follow his orders. He blindfolds us and forces us into the backseat of his car, then gets in and drives off. Penelope's hand brushes mine and I take it. I hear her whimper and I squeeze her hand. "Jage" she whispers, "I'm scared" "I'm scared too" I whisper back. The car turns a corner and I mentally write it down, keeping track of which corners we take so we can get back if we get the chance.

After 4 right turns I realise it won't work because he's trying to throw me off, so I stop counting. The car stops and he pulls me out of the car, forcing me to let go of Penelope's hand. I go to take the blindfold off but he slaps my hand away, "Not yet" he says and leads us inside.

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