Chapter 10: "Hey Spence"

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I wake up blurry eyed and unsure of my surroundings, I look across to see Spencer in a hospital bed with tubes attached to him; I'm still sitting in the same spot as last night. I look around; Hotch and Emily are leaning on one another, asleep, Morgan is sleeping with Garcia leaning on his shoulder and Rossi is... Nowhere to be seen. I get up and step outside the room, I still can't see him, "Maybe he's gone to get more coffee" I think to myself, then I hear him: "Roseanne, I'm really sorry, there's nothing I can do, don't hang up on me!" He walks around the corner and sighs, then realises I'm standing there. "Hey, how are you doing this morning?" He asks, "Alright, who's Roseanne?" "She's just a friend" "That sounded like more than just a friend" I blurt out before I can stop myself, "Sorry" I say, "No, it's okay, we were dating, but not anymore" he says and looks at the ground, "Oh Rossi, I'm so sorry" "Nah, it's alright" he says and we walk back to Spencer's room. Emily is still asleep on Hotch's shoulder when we walk in, but everyone else is awake. "Morning" Hotch says quietly, trying not to wake Em, "Morning" I say back and sit down. We chat quietly for a little while, just discussing random things to pass the time. I'm about to say something when Emily wakes up, she sits up and looks around, "Morning Em" I say, smiling at how confused she looks, "What's the time?" She asks, I check my watch, "11:03" "Oh my gosh, really?" She says and rubs her eyes. Hotch gives her a kiss, then puts his arm around her. We're all laughing at Em's sleepy face, and how her hair is all messed up on one side. I look over at Spence just in time to see his eyes slowly open, "Guys" I say and the all look across, "Hey Spence" I say, smiling at him, I frowns, realising he's connected to a bunch of tubes. "I'll go get the doctor" Morgan says and walks out, returning with a male doctor in a matter of seconds. "What...? Where?" Spence says, "You're in the hospital" the doctor explains, "You were kidnapped, and tortured for 3 days. Your team rescued you, you should be very happy to have them" he says, "Now don't try to move or anything, you'll feel some pain and discomfort for a few days, but then it should start to ease up" the doctor finishes and walks out. "Reid, I'm so sorry" Morgan says, "It's not your fault" Spencer says quietly, "Jage" he whispers, I walk over and sit on the edge of his bed, holding his hand in mine. "I love you" he says, "I love you too" I say and relief fills me, "You're okay" I whisper, not loud enough for him to hear.

Hotch's POV:
We leave Reid to be by himself for a bit while we go out for lunch. We find a small cafe not far from the hospital, so we park the car and walk in. My stomach growls as the smell of hot food fills my nose, we find a table big enough for the 6 of us and sit down. I pick up the menu and scan through it, then pass it to Emily. Once we've all decided, we go up to the counter and order. When our meals come we all dig in, too starving to wait any longer. I ordered a beef hamburger, and it's actually pretty good. "Mmm" Emily says next to me, I look over to see what she ordered: a toasted focaccia with ham, tomato and cheese.
Once we're all finished we head back to the hospital. By the looks of things when we get there, Reid has just finished his lunch too. We all sit down and start our own conversations with each other. I'm chatting with Rossi when Emily gets up, she mutters something about the bathroom and walks off. I continue my conversation with Rossi, talking about old cases and random things. After a while I realise that Emily still hasn't come back, so I go look for her.
I walk over to the ladies bathroom and knock on the door, "Emily?" "Yeah" "It's Hotch" "Okay, just a second" she says, I hear her turn off the taps and she walks out. "Are you okay?" "No, I think it might have been something from that cafe" I look at her, she doesn't look very well, "We're in a hospital, lets take that opportunity and see if they can give you something" I suggest, "They've probably got enough on their hands already, I'm fine" she insists, "Then at least let me take you home" "Okay" she agrees. We walk back to Reid's hospital room, "Guys, I'm just gonna take Emily home, she's not feeling well" "Sorry guys" Emily says, "Don't worry Em, just make sure you get better" Reid says and we leave. We get home and Emily walks inside, headed straight to the bathroom. I follow her and hold her hair out of the way as she throws up into the toilet.

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