Chapter 41: Reunited

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Prentiss' POV:
My contractions are getting closer and I don't know what to do. I don't want to have this baby here, alone. I clench my teeth as another contraction comes, waiting for the pain to subdue. "Emily, how are you doing?" JJ asks, "They're getting closer" I say and she sighs, "What're we going to do?" She asks, not looking for an answer, I sigh too, and then hold my breath as another contraction starts.

The door at the end of the corridor opens and then slams shut again. The man walks down the corridor and I hold my breath, hoping he's just checking in. He passes my cell and stops at JJ's, pulling out his keys and unlocking the door. "Please don't" she tries but he grabs her and starts dragging her out of the cell. "No" is all I can manage to say, "No" I say again, "No, JJ!" I yell and tears start falling freely down my face, "JJ!" I yell and he kicks my cell door as he passes, "Shut up!" He shouts and JJ gives me a scared look as he pulls her away. I start crying harder now, I can't do this without her. I know Garcia is still here, but she's two cells away and if she starts freaking out it won't help.


I hear a loud scream coming from the end of the corridor. "Em?" Garcia whispers, "Yeah, I heard it too" I say, knowing she's talking about JJ's distant screaming.

I try to break free from his grip as he drags me down the corridor, Emily's voice yelling my name in the distance as he takes me away. He takes me back to the room where he kissed me and pushes me into the corner, making me fall over from the force. I try to get up but he pushes me back down and then starts unbuttoning my shirt. "Please don't" I beg but he ignores me. He pins me down so I can't move and then takes my shirt off and throws it over his shoulder. He grabs me by my waist, his cold hands against my bare skin, and ties my hands together, suspending me by my wrists with my feet barely touching the ground. I close my eyes and purse my lips as he leans forward and kisses me. "It'll be all over soon darling" he says, pulling away. I start shaking, scared of what he means by "it". He takes his belt off and I start crying, "No, please" I beg. He takes a step back and draws his arm back, then slashes me with his belt. I grit my teeth as the belt connects with my bare stomach, leaving a stinging pain. He pulls back and whips my stomach again, making me scream. "No, stop please!" I scream as he slashes me again, the pain is unbearable. I scream again, this time louder, as the belt crosses my already stinging stomach. He walks around behind me and starts whipping my back, the pain increasing from the minimal amount if flesh. I feel blood trickling down my back. Satisfied, he walks back around to my stomach and flogs me until it bleeds, then grabs a knife out and cuts my stomach until I pass out from the pain.

Hotch's POV:
Speeding down the highway, the feeling of déjà vu slips into my mind; we've done this so many times, and each time to no avail. I push the feeling to the back of my mind and focus on the road. I see the turn off and indicate right, exiting the highway down a one way road.

I pull up at the building and get out of the car, closely followed by the other SUV with Rossi and Morgan. I look over to Reid as he climbs out of the passenger seat, the colour draining from his face. "Reid, it's gonna be okay" I say and he nods, but I know he's not convinced. "Okay, SWAT is pulling up now, when they get into position we'll go in, there's two ambulances on the way so they'll be here when we get back" I tell the team as SWAT prepares themselves. "Okay let's go!" I say and we run into the building.

We run through the door and into the first room; it's clear. We check to next room with the same outcome. When we get to the third room we find JJ lying shirtless on the floor covered in blood. "JJ!" Reid yells and runs over to her, "Oh my god, JJ!" He cries when she doesn't respond. He kneels down beside her but he doesn't touch her, not wanting to put her in more pain from her cuts and whip marks. "We need a medic in the second left hand room of the front of the building" I say quietly into the walkie talkie. "Reid, stay with her" I say, knowing he won't leave her anyway. We run out of the room, one of the SWAT agents staying with Reid. We run to the end of the corridor and split up, Morgan and Rossi go right, and I go left.

I come to a series of small, cell like rooms with wire fencing as doors. I walk briskly down the corridor, passing the cells with my gun at the ready. Someone talks at the end of the corridor and I break into a run. I stop, two cells from the end to find Garcia leaning against the wall with tears streaming down her face. "Garcia" I say, making her look up, "Oh my gosh, Hotch!" She says when she sees me, "We're gonna get you out of here, where's Emily?" I ask as a SWAT agent pulls out some bolt cutters to open the cell door. "She's at the end, you need to help her, she's in labor!" Garcia says and my stomach drops. "Emily!" I call and pass the last two cells to the end of the corridor. "Oh my god, I need some bolt cutters!" I yell when I see Emily. She's sweating and her face is pale, as if she's about to pass out. "Aaron" she says quietly, "I need a medic in the west wing! And Morgan, Garcia is down here" I say into the walkie talkie and sprint into the cell as soon as the SWAT agent cuts the chain.

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