Chapter 7: The Abduction

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Morgan's POV:
Rossi, Hotch and I stay at Flint's house until 1:30am. By the end of it the only information we have is: Flint shot Reid from behind, judging by the blood splatter, and there isn't enough blood to suggest Reid is dead, he wasn't dragged, so he must've been carried, Flint took his car during all the commotion, there's signs of a struggle from the basement, so he probably took Becky with him, and lastly, we will not stop until we find Reid.
My head starts spinning, so I sit down, blocking out my surroundings. "What?" I look up to see Rossi standing in front of me, "Are you doing okay?" He asks, sitting down, "Rossi, it took us a week to find that guy, now he has Reid and it'll probably take us another week to find him, what if he's dead by then?" "Morgan, you can't think like that, we'll find him" "This is all my fault" "This is no ones fault" "It was my idea to split up, if I hadn't suggested it, he would still be here" "Morgan, you can't blame yourself for this, it's not your fault, now come with me, we're going back to the station" I follow Rossi to the car and we drive out.

Reid's POV:
My head throbs, I open my eyes but I can't see anything. Just darkness. The pain is too much, I reach down to my stomach to find the source of the pain, I pull my hand away and it's wet, the distinct metallic smell of blood fills my nose. A bright light floods the room and I shield my eyes. A gas starts spraying through the air vents and I black out.

Prentiss' POV:
"Jage, you really need to sleep" "No, what if they call?" "I promise I'll wake you if they call" "Promise?" "Yes, of course" "Okay" she says, and walks into her room. I sit down on the couch and sigh, poor JJ. It doesn't take long for me to start drifting off as well, I stayed up with JJ all night. I'm just about asleep when I hear a scream. I jump up and sprint into JJ's room, "SPENCER!" She screams, she's still sleeping. I run over to her bed and try to wake her, "JJ!" I say as I shake her, "Jage!" She wakes up, "Noooo!" "Jage, it's me!" I say and as she realises where she is, "Oh, Emily" she starts crying, wrapping her arms around my neck and burying her face in my shoulder. I hug her and rub her back, trying to calm her. "I'm so sorry" she whispers, "It's okay" I reassure her and take my arms away. She looks up, "Where are you going?" "I'm just going to make some breakfast, you haven't eaten since lunch yesterday" I say and walk out.
I make pancakes with maple syrup - JJ's favourite - and put them on the table, I walk into her room to see her sitting on the bed hugging a picture frame. "JJ, I made you pancakes, c'mon, you need to eat something" I walk over to her and take the picture frame; it's a photo of her and Spencer. I sit it down on her bedside table and sit down next to her. "Jage, we'll find him" I say, trying to convince myself as much as her. "Em, you saw what he did to his other victims, they were barely recognisable" a tear rolls down her cheek as all the photos flash through my mind: bloodied, beaten, in some cases: burns. I start to tear up so I try to think of something else. "Let's go eat" I say, grabbing her hand and leading her to the kitchen. We finish the pancakes just as the phone rings, I walk over and answer it, expecting it to be Hotch. "JJ?" A small voice whispers, "No, it's Emily. JJ, get over here" I say and put the phone on speaker as she runs over. "Okay, JJ's here" "JJ, I'm so sorry" the voice whispers; it's Spencer. Years start streaming down JJ's face and she bites her lip. "Spence" she starts crying "Where are you" she asks, "I don't know" Spencer whispers, I can hear him crying as well. I run over and grab my cell, punching in Garcia's number. "Em?" She says when she answers, "Yeah, Garcia I need you to track a number, quick" "Okay, what phone?" "It's on JJ's cell, hurry Garcia" I say and walk back over to JJ. "Jage, I just want to tell you something, incase I never see you again" "Spence, don't say that" JJ says, fully crying now. "No, Jage I have to, okay--" a crash comes from the background and a voice starts yelling, "I thought I told you to stay put!" The voice booms, "JJ!" "Spencer, I love you!" JJ screams, then the line goes dead. "No!" She cries, dropping the phone. "Spencer" she weeps, collapsing on the floor. I run over and hold her, still holding my phone up to my ear. "Garcia?" "I know, I know, just give me a minute. Okay the call came from a disposable cell. It bounced off three different towers so I don't have an exact address but I'm sending you a map of the area now" "Thanks Garcia" I say. I'm about to hang up when she asks to speak to JJ. I hand the phone to her and listen" "Jage, we'll catch him. We know where he is now, there's no way he can get out in time" she says and hangs up. I immediately call Hotch, "Hotch" "Hey Em" "Hotch we know where he is" I say, "What? How?" "Spencer called JJ, but Flint caught him so you need to hurry, I'm sending you the address now" "Okay we're on our way" he says and hangs up.
JJ and I wait around for what seems like hours. At 11:00 we get a phone call. Jage picks it up immediately, "Hello?" "Hey it's Hotch" "Okay, I'll put you on speaker" "We found the place" "Yes?" JJ urges, "He just got away, I'm sorry" JJ starts sobbing and my heart sinks, we were so close. I sit down on the couch and stare at my hands. We were too close...

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