Objection Overruled

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The guest room had a huge wooden bed with plenty of room for Mary and Jamie to share. There was even a fireplace, filling it with light and warmth.

Jack was sure he could tear up when he realized his siblings would have a safe place to sleep that night, but the twins were rather hesitant when he helped them find their pajamas and got them into bed.

"Do we live here now?" Mary asked. There were many more questions she wanted to ask, but she'd settle for the ones Jack could actually answer.

Jack chuckled, "Well, we're gonna stay here for the night. Tomorrow we'll get things settled." He stood up, "Get some sleep."

Jamie grabbed his hand, "Wait!" He startled his brother, "Don't go!" Jamie himself wasn't sure where the fear had come from.

Jack sat down on the edge of the bed, "Hey, hey." He said in a voice as soft as the blankets on the bed, "I'm not going anywhere. I'm gonna be right next door. Just like at hom— on the fjord." He forgot that place wasn't 'home' anymore. "You don't have to be scared here."

"And I'll be here." Mary said to her twin brother.


The hefty cat leaped up on the bed and trotted over the children's legs. Jack hadn't even heard Fafnir trotting in. He turned and saw Elsa standing at the doorway. "Sorry about that, I couldn't catch him. I think he likes you guys."

Jamie giggled and Mary was quick to squeeze Fafnir in her arms. He mewed in a grumbly tone at being picked up without warning. "He can sleep in here with us!" Mary excitedly commented.

Elsa smiled and walked into the room, sitting on the bed with them. "Wanna know something neat? Cats can see in the dark."

Jamie's eyes glistened with wonder, "Whoa! Really?"

"How come?" Mary asked.

"Their eyes can reflect light, that's why it looks like they're glowing sometimes."

"I wish I could do that!" Jamie bemoaned, falling back into his pillow.

"Well, you have the fireplace and an all-seeing cat protecting you." Jack stood up. "With that, I'm going to bed." He started towards the door, "If either of you need me, just come get me."

Elsa grinned shyly at the twins, "Good night, you two."

"Good night, Elsa." Mary bid. Jamie was silent, only nodding as he got more comfortable on his side. Fafnir was nestled between the twins, providing them comfort with his noisy purring.

Elsa was the last to leave the room. Jack was staying where their maid once lived, the much-needed privacy would suit him, as Elsa and her parents' bedrooms were upstairs while Jack and the children were on the first floor. He was eager to get out of his shoes and long coat and into something comfortable after two days.

He was seated on the bed, much more sturdy than what he was used to, and pulling his boots off. He didn't realize Elsa was at the doorway. She knocked to get his attention.

Jack looked at her.

In an instant, he was met with a passionate kiss, one full of hope and terror.

"It's going to be all right." He found himself saying. He was normally on the receiving end of such words. "We're going to be fine."

Elsa shuddered, fighting anxiety-filled tears, but she nodded. "You're right."

Jack lovingly took her cheek, "Go rest."

Elsa kissed and cradled his hand, "You too."


In the silence of dawn, Jack leapt from his damp pillow, close to screaming. His eyes were wide with fear and his hair was stuck to his head from sweat.

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