A Bargain

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The river was now their most treasured destination. For what would soon be a year, Elsa and Jack had been visiting this spot to have each other. Some days, it was simply for each other's company. Others, they partook in 'special' activities if either one was feeling particularly stressed.

...Or, rather, just when they felt like it.

"I missed you." Jack had told her in a loving breath. He didn't want his lips to leave hers. Every night that week, he'd dreamed about Elsa; dreaming about her kisses, about her naked body pressed against his as they made love, about playing with her petal-soft breasts and latching his lips around one of her nipples as she stroked his sex.

It was often a disappointment to wake up and find that the hand fondling his dick was his own and not hers.

He stroked her unbound, platinum-blonde hair that was draped over her shoulder and he pushed some behind her ear. Jack's own hair was a wild, stubborn thing he'd all but given up on trying to control, yet it made no difference to Elsa. Her fingers wove through the tangles and she took his face once more. "Come here." She started to unbuckle his belt for him.

Jack needed no assistance in what came next. He unlaced her bodice as she yanked his trousers down from his hips. Soon they had both dropped to the ground in a feral embrace. They always tried to keep their trysts quiet, because the last thing they needed was to be caught. It proved to be a difficult feat on nights like this, as Jack could only let himself gasp and call her name in a whisper when he wanted to scream it.

He was on top of her, thrusting, panting. Elsa's nails dug into his back. He was chasing his climax as Elsa herself was about to unravel. "Oh God—! Jack, please! Please fuck me!" She begged as she inched closer, not wanting this bliss to end. From the moment Jack was inside of her, he'd been lost.

He took in every detail of her beautiful face. "Elsa–!" He gasped, moving away the bangs that had fallen over her eyes.

Everyone else might have the usual Midsummer festivities, but this was Jack's, and it was all he needed.

Elsa was Jack's only piece of heaven, and she was his to hold. His secret. He didn't even have to share her with Jamie and Mary. The one thing in this world that belonged to him alone, and he hoped to keep it that way. She'd been there for him, to calm him down on days he felt like he was drowning, to make him feel whole and loved.

On nights he couldn't see her that he got short of breath, he remembered the technique of slow, deep breaths she always walked him through during a bad moment. What gave him more comfort than anything was knowing he had her heart, and that as of now she was promised to no man. Her father's work managed to hold out this long, and Jack hoped it would for just a little longer, long enough for him to scrape up a few more speciedalers.

But right now, there was no need to think about those things. Right now, it was only the two of them in this world.

Jack was still buckling his pants when Elsa reached over and took one of his hands. Their trust had grown to the point he allowed her to give his wrist a light kiss should she see fit. She pressed his palm to her cheek and Jack brought her to lie down with him. He swore he could look at her all day and night.

"You were holding all that in for two weeks?" Elsa teased with a cocksure grin on her face. "Don't you ever use your hands?"

"I like it much better when it's yours." He pulled her forward for another chaste kiss.

"How are they?" She, of course, was referring to the twins.

"They're fine. I caught Jamie about to take his friends cliff-diving. Where do kids even get those ideas?"

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