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Jamie had heard the noise and he continued following the footprints with caution. "...Jack?" He timidly called.

Coming around the corner, he saw Jack collapsed in the snow, along with a large branch that had broken off the tree and gone with him. Jack was gulping the air, pushing himself up on sore elbows and knees. His clothes and dark hair were covered in snow. Strangest of all, he had a rope around his neck, which Jack violently threw off of him.

Jack looked around, face in disbelief, then his eyes locked with Jamie's. The boy didn't know what he was looking at, nor did he care. He ran to his brother and practically jumped into his arms. Jack's entire body ached from the crash-landing, his heart was beating frantically, but it reminded him that he was alive. As Jack processed the happiest accident of his life, he realized he was holding his weeping brother.


"What were you doing?" He cried, hysterical.

Jack's own face crumpled. "I—Jamie–"

Jamie buried his face into his shoulder again. "Don't ever do it again!"

"No, no, Jamie! I wasn't... I..."

Following the sounds of horrible sobs, Elsa and Mary arrived at the scene. Mary looked bewildered, and Elsa saw the rope and instantly put the pieces together. She put her hands over her mouth as she felt emotion swell up in her throat. "Jack–!"

"I'm sorry!" He answered, already feeling tears creep out of his eyes. He was still holding and rocking Jamie. Snow began to fall as the two girls curled up around the boys. All of the tensity got to Mary and she began to tear up as well. All of the arms around him, all the warmth... it was too much. Jack broke apart, "I'm not good enough for any of you!" Jack couldn't stop crying.

Elsa hugged him mightily, but it wasn't enough. Amidst his endless tears, Jack went, "I want us to be happy, but I can't let go of what he did! I can't let go! I can't let go!" Jack paused, only for air. "He'll never go away! It hurts so much!" His sobs were explosive, long vocals; like that of a young, hurt child's. He was inconsolable, yet no one let go of him.

"We love you, Jack." Mary soothed, crying with them.

"You're the best big brother in the world." Jamie said in his ear, meaning all of it.

Jack's heart hurt too much and he continued to cry, muffled by Elsa's chest. "Why did he hate me? Why did he hate me?" He wept on. And on. And on.

It was a deep and painful cry... but also a cry that washed everything away. A cry they had all needed.



The house was calm and quiet.

After a peaceful dinner and then a warm bath, Elsa laid Jack down on the bed, the candle lamp still lit. He'd hardly said anything since the breakdown, but it was only because he was so exhausted. Elsa pulled the blanket over him and rubbed his arm lovingly. "I'm not letting you out of my sight. Understand?" She said, voice desperate.

"I know." He replied. "I'm sorry." It was maybe the one-hundredth time he'd said it so far. "I never want to leave any of you." He rasped, but it still wasn't quite enough for Elsa. Elsa placed something in his hand, something she'd found in his coat pocket earlier. Jack looked and saw his mother's locket, somehow unbroken despite falling from the branch with it on him. He let out a deep sigh and clutched it to his chest.

Elsa remained alert as she watched him shuffle around in bed until he eventually fell asleep. Taking the opportunity she had, Elsa crept out of the room to check on the twins, who she'd tucked in an hour ago. It was nearly impossible to get them to sleep without Jack there to sit with them.

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