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the return


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TRUTHFULLY LIZ DIDN'T EXPECT TO MEET SAM WINCHESTER, SHE HAD HEARD FROM her daughter that Dean had died. Liz wasn't sure what to make of the entire situation and she didn't want to upset or worry Rory even more. Liz had a lot of deal with and she couldn't add on more to her daughters, not right now.

RORY WAS STANDING OUTSIDE THE HOSPITAL, SHE FELT LIKE SHE COULDN'T BREATHE inside anymore. The doctors weren't sure Caroline would even make it, even with the surgery, and that's when she called her aunt Dina, asking her for a spell.

There was one, one her coven used a long time ago, one to trade a life for another. Rory didn't even know how to react to that, she didn't even know if she could take anyone's life, but this was her sister, life had already taken so much from her.

"Send it." Rory told her aunt.

"Rory, it's a complicated death-" Her aunt says.

"This is Caroline." Rory cuts her off, "I just, I need to do everything I can, and I need to. I can't." Rory tries not to cry. "She can't, she's not dying." She told her aunt.

"The first one is always hard." Dina tells her and Rory didn't know how true those words are, the first kill is always the hardest. "Rory, be careful." She tells her.

"I will." Rory says before hanging up, and she couldn't help but cry. She was going to trade someone's life for her sisters. She allows herself to cry and cleans herself up before she made her way inside, stopping in the bathroom to clean up a bit more. She couldn't let herself be seen broken down, even if it's socially acceptable. She needed to look strong to feel strong.

AFTER CAROLINE CAME OUT OF SURGERY, RORY SAT WITH HER, AS SOON AS she was allowed to. She had already checked the list her aunt had sent her, she just needed to find her victim and a few things. She had to taken into account her broken arm, she could use her magic to kill someone's but she didn't want to take someone's life that can actually do good in the world.

"Just know that everything I'm doing is to keep you safe." Rory tells her sister kissing her head. "You're going to be fine." She tells an unconscious Caroline. "When you wake up, we'll take a vacation, and I'll even tell you about the hottie I was dating." She tells her trying to motivate Caroline. The doctors encouraged Rory to speak to Care, that maybe just maybe she could hear them.

Elena and Damon walk into Caroline's room finding Rory, "we can stay with her, give you a break."

"I already had one." Rory tells her. "I'm fine right here." She says.

"I'll stay with her." Matt says. Rory looks at him and nods.

"I'll be right back." Rory tells him, she kisses Care's forehead and looks at Caroline one last time, before leaving the room.

WHEN RORY COMES BACK FROM THE LITTLE BREAK, SHE FINDS CAROLINE UP AND LOOKING healthier than ever, she's in a cheery mood. "Rory!" Caroline exclaims excitingly, and Rory looks at her surprised but she hugs her anyway, holding her tightly, afraid she'd disappear before her. Rory stayed the night, watching her, until Matt had made her go home and clean up, the following morning.

"Care? Are you okay? How?" Rory asks, and she pushes the button for help. 

"I'm okay." Caroline smiles as if she didn't almost die a couple of hours ago. "Come sit, watch Jersey Shore's with me." Rory looks at her with disbelief. "I'm still a little sore." She admits to her older sister.

"I'm sorry." Rory tells her softly.

Caroline tells her, "its okay but they say I'm healing very quick." Rory can't only nod with tearful eyes. "Don't cry."

"I'm just happy you're okay." Rory tells her, "I was going crazy."

"She was bound to drive the staff crazy too." Matt teases the older Forbes woman. Rory smiles a bit at Matt's joke.

Caroline tells her, "I love you."

"I love you, you're my little sister, it's my job to protect you." Rory and Caroline hug. Caroline knew how much Rory cared, and worried about her. Always claiming it her job as her big sister, or big sister duties. Rory took a seat on Caroline's bed, and the two girls watched Jersey Shore, not one of Rory's favorite shows but they did have their funny moments. Caroline leans her head on Rory's shoulder.

"So about the hottie you dated." Caroline tells her making a smile break out on Rory's face. Good, she heard her. It was a good sign, a Care who loves gossip, is a healthy Care.

"Well..." Rory takes a deep breath in before delving into her relationship with Elijah. Something she hadn't done in a while.

RORY STAYED WITH CAROLINE IN THE HOSPITAL, ESPECIALLY AFTER FINDING OUT Liz wouldn't be stay with Care as Mayor Lockwood died last night. She didn't want to leave Caroline alone but she really had to go to the bathroom. Caroline was in her deep sleep, she sighs before getting up, she informed the nurses that she was going to the bathroom. She quickly made her way to the bathroom.

After Rory is done with her business, she stands in front of the bathroom mirror. She sighs taking in her reflections. Her broken arm, she looks so tired, and sad. The past couple of forty-eight hours have taken a toll on her, her believing she saw Dean but then she didn't.

"You're okay, You're okay." Rory tells herself in the mirror. After Elijah, she had to make herself deal with her emotions of Dean. Well not exactly deal exactly as everything started hitting her at once. Elijah breaking up with her, Deans death, the Gilberts parents funeral triggered something inside of her. She couldn't stop thinks of her own parents funeral. She had thought she had dealt with it, but she was burned out from school, and submerging herself in her studies after Deans death, her eternal pain of being an orphan.

"You didn't see him, he isn't here." She tells herself. "You're okay." She attempts to remain calm. This time she manages to succeed, she looks at herself one last time before exiting the bathroom and heading to Caroline's room.

Words 1072
Sam is back? Maybe Dean? Who knows??? I more to upload. I hate writers block.  I hope you guys enjoy the update! Don't forget to vote, comment, and share. I truly hope you guys enjoy!!!
Updated June 14, 2023

 I truly hope you guys enjoy!!! Updated June 14, 2023

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