chapter 5

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The howling breeze engulfed me and the unidentified man in front of me. The world seems spinning around. I think the world become flat leaving just the two of us in between.

I hurriedly collected myself in horror. Trying to lessen the embarrassment I will going to received.

I free from the man's grip easily, and I was quite happy by that. I eyed the surrounding if there's anyone who become the witness of this public scandal of mine and luckily there is none.

" Ahem " I fake a cough to broke the decade of silence. I didn't plan on making an eye to eye contact with this man, so I just fixed my gaze to my feet.

'What should I say ? Nathan come on think faster. I mean you just need to say thank you, then... that's it, maybe? I guess?' Ahhh I can't think properly right now, this is definitely the death of me, goodbye family, relatives, and my friends. I even have friends? Okay never mind.

" Ahmm, are you new here? I...I mean It's my first time seeing you here." The man tooked the initiative to create a conversation.

" Y....yes, I...I'm new here. Honestly this is my first time here, I'm very sorry if I know earlier?" I stuttered while I slowly held my chin higher so I can see him.

The man in front of me had a pair of sapphire eyes staring at me amusedly. His perfectly drawed eyebrows contemplated at his long eye lashes which are waving incredibly. His long pointed nose which was as high as the Mount Everest, if I say. He also do have a plump small lips and I lie if I say it's not kissable. Damn why do all men Here are so attractive.

" Oh there's nothing to feel sorry for, and ahmm by the way I'm Hanzzel Nicklem your senior, but you can call me Hans." he chuckled.

I just stare at him unable to process everything he say. This man is so mesmerizing.

" Are you okay?"

" Ahmm, ye....yeah sorry, I'm Nathan, Nathan Schoben." I extended my hand intended to shake hands, because that's what a proper way to introduce yourself, is it?

He shake my hand without a second thought. Luckily because if he will just going to ignore my hand, then I'm willing to kill him whoever who he is.

" Nath, I can show you around, if you want " he ruffled my hair while still wearing a smile.

What was he doing are we even close? I mean we just got meet, and...and he is acting like we are too close since birth. Is he like this to everyone? But whatever, this my opportunity to avoid being lost.

" Ahmm sure "

We just walk side by side while he keeps on telling me every single thing at this school. Like where can I find the canteen, my department and so on. The atmosphere was so harmonious until we arrived at my first subject for the day.

" See you around Nathan." He ruffled my hair again teasingly before leaving me in an awestruck .

I look at him until he faded away, I felt like there's is something digging at my back . I slowly turn around trying to capture the culprit.

Ho....holy cr....crap. why was they staring at me again. Majority of the class are staring at me and I don't know why. Did I do something wrong? Why was all people here are so creepy?

There is a vacant sit at the back so I directly went there ignoring the very awkward atmosphere.

I just get my pen and my notebook inside my backpack to prepare for the class. Our first subject today will be all about the contemporary world and I hate it.

A few minutes after, Mr. Guevarra then arrived. Okay so he is my contemporary instructor I hope this will be going to be okay.

" Oh hi Nathan, good to see you " Mr. Guevarra smiled towards me.

Once again all attention was converted towards me. Fuck I should have known this. This is really a bad idea that I came here. I should have skip class if I know that this will going to happened to me.

Thank goodness when Mr. Guevarra noticed that I'm not planning to answer, he continue talking. We talk about that and that and  Finally my class was over.

Mr. Guevarra then give a command of dismissal so I put back all my things back to my bag as I am about to go to my next period .

" Not you Nathan."

Did somebody just call my name?

" Nathan you'll be staying here with me since your next class will be on the afternoon and so do mine, and I need some hand here. Is it okay?" Mr. Guevarra said while I can feel his approaching presence at my back.

I can feel his hot breathing at my neck. Is he that close to me?

" Are you okay ?" He whisper an inch apart from my  ear which tickle my body.

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