❁Nature Lover❁

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"Finn!!!" Mew ran behind Fang who just stopped just behind the tree, Mew quickly walked ahead to be shocked by what he saw, he stood catching his breath while his heart was beating fast from running around the forest, he starred down in dibelieve, there was Finn sitting so comfortably into someone's lap, Gulf who was startled looked up to them with confused wide eyes, he first glanced to Fang then up to Mew who was starring back

Fang drew closer checking on Finn who refused to get up feeling cozy laying on Gulf's lap who was gently brushing her white fur, Fang who also felt safe sat down resting his head next to Finn on Gulf's knee, Mew kept watching them in disbelieve, this has never happened before, not even with his family

"who are you?" the older finally asked, Gulf flinched as if he was just awaken from his daze

"I'm Gulf Kanawut, one of the students who came two days ago" Mew who recognized the younger's name walked closer

"your group is the east part of the forest what are you doing here alone?"

"I started walking and taking pictures and when I noticed I was lost, soon after I found... euh, Finn is her name right? Well I found her with an injured leg, I treated her and then kept walking until I somehow reached this extraordinary fascinating beautiful place" Gulf explained looking to the wide field smiling slowly rubbing Finn who was feeling even more comfortable than before, Mew noticed Gulf admiration to the view and his tender smile, he also couldn't help but keep staring at Gulf and then to the scenery as a warm soft wind blow mixed with the sweet unique scent of the flowers making them both feeling peaceful and calm falling into an enjoyable silence.

"btw, may I ask who you are?" Gulf asked breaking the silence, Mew looked down with a little smile on his face

"I'm Mew Suppasit, the King of this island"


Two months ago...

Gulf is a PhD student in xxx university, he is a 27 years old young man aiming to be a nature researcher, since he was a kid he loved everything about the nature, he would spend hours just walking around the small forest close to his place or stare at the nature pictures on his phone, he loved everything, the trees, the herbs, flowers, sea, butterflies, the sky, the soil...

Gulf is also an animal lover, he adores all kind of animals, even the scary ones like tigers and Lions and crocodiles, when he goes to the zoo he would go from cage to cage admiring every animal without being bored, sensing how much love Gulf has for them, the animals also feel at ease and quickly get closer to him letting their guard down, Gulf is so close to all kind of animals that it's not weird to see him surrounded by cats and dogs while just walking outside of the campus.

Growing up with his love and adoration to nature, as soon as he got into university, Gulf completely focused on becoming a researcher studying all kind of things like herbs and their medical use, the rare animals, the soils, he would assist in any lecture that has something to do with nature, he even joined astronomical club studying about the stars and space.

The young man is a top student in his faculty, he was popular for his attractive looks, his friendliness and since animals likes him means that he is a very kind and gentle thus no person could resist falling for him, he actually have a couple of good friends and was also close to his teammates in his lab work but Gulf mostly focused on reading book and watching videos about nature.

Out of everything, Gulf loved a certain flower the most, he would look at it every day wishing that he will be able to get a real closer look at it, 'Blue Dahlia Flower' (A/N it's the one in the picture above) it makes him feel so calm, strong and optimistic, for his the photograph of the flower is like a lucky charm and always carry it with him, he feel so attached to it that he would do anything just to be close to it and touch it

Miracles' Blue Flower [( MewGulf )]Where stories live. Discover now