❁King's Friend❁

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Gulf's POV


It's been 12 days since I came here, I enjoyed everyday admiring this breathtaking nature, yesterday I stayed up late outside and watched the night sky, the sea of stars were so dazzling, what made the view even more amazing is that I got to see it while being in the blue flower field, king Mew offered to take me and of course I accepted

Actually, since I met him, we started spending a lot of time together, he would come visit me every day, he asked me to teach him more and would ask a lot of things, I'm so surprised by how curious and friendly he is, in my imagination, kings are always strict, serious and only came about their work but this king is completely different, I also got to meet his younger brother who is very cheerful

I noticed smth after meeting Jay, the royal family looks so good-looking, I mean everyone on this island are beautiful and strong but Mew is on another level, he is well-build and very handsome, he also has the aura of a ruler but he is easy-going at the same time, not just the people but the animals here are rare and so stunning, Mew showed me a white children lions and some black leopards that's I've never heard of before

I really want to walk around the whole island but for a city boy like me it's impossible, I wish I learned some jungle survivals methods and trained much more before but I still will enjoy my stay here until the last second, I woke up a little late to find that everyone has already left, I ate some bread and drank a fruit juice then took my bag and walked out heading to the forest but when I was about to go in

"Fang! Finn!" I saw them heading toward me, I was glad that Finn quickly healed, I knelt down patting them, I expected to see Mew but he wasn't there

"did you come alone today?" I stood up as they both walked on each side, Fang bit the tip of my pants as if he wanted to drag me so I followed him

"oh, isn't this the road to the castle?" I asked looking around to the one way path that lead into the huge castle, Fang and Finn started pushing me

"am I really allowed to go in there without permission?" I tried to stop but they wouldn't let me and kept dragging me inside, the moment I arrived I kept looking around the gorgeous garden and in the middle there a beautiful fountain, I started taking pictures when suddenly someone came rushing toward me

"you?! What are you doing here?!" a tall man who kind of looked like Mew yelled startling me, he was angry, he glanced to the wolves who stood by my side, he quickly stepped back

"I-I'm sorry, Fang and Finn made me follow them and they brought me here, I know I'm not supposed to be here, I'm so sorry" I bowed apologizing while he glared but calmed down

"I see, it's you who is also liked by the knights"

"knights?" I asked looking to them

"they always accompany Mew everywhere and protected him too so they are called knights or guardians" he explained

"wow, you are amazing Fang, Finn" I knelt patting them as they sat down

"oh, Leo! Gulf!" just then Mew came out running

"Gulf, this is my big brother Leo, Leo, this Gulf, one of the tourists and as you can see my wolves' friend, he also became my friend" I felt happy to be considered as a friend by the king

"it's an honor meeting you" I said bowing my head

"your wolves dragged him here"

"I asked them to do it, I wanted to show Gulf around the castle, didn't I tell you that I was going to invite someone?"

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