❁My Hero❁

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Mew's POV


I really don't know why but I was getting more and more interested in Gulf, just talking to him makes me forget all the work stress, it's my first time making a foreign friend and it's actually great, he answers all my questions with a smile and never fail to surprise me with new information, since we met by the blue flower field, we naturally became closer almost meeting everyday

Even though he is friendly, I noticed that he kept a small distance from everyone as well as having a certain sad look in his eyes especially when he is watching the blue flowers, well he still is a good listener and truly concerned for me when I told him about the stalker, he kept telling me that I should notify someone but I really don't want to worry my siblings but I kept my guard up

That man was good at running and hiding, I couldn't even catch a glimpse of his face and because of him I couldn't completely enjoy my time with Gulf who was having fun following me around as I showed him the waterfall and other places around the island, all the town people liked him, even the animals would quickly come closer to him

Somehow, time passed and Gulf will be leaving in 3 days, I'm feeling sad that he will be going back so soon, I still want to know more and more about the world, besides he is my first tourist friend that I got along with so well, I'm going to enjoy the next 3 days with him, we don't even need to sleep, that's why I'm going to finish all my work today and leave the rest to Leo

After meeting with my uncles and talking about this year harvests and other things, I got back to my office to finish checking the rest of the papers, it was late at night, Gulf should be asleep now, Fang and Finn were also sleeping on my bed, just when I sat by the desk, I noticed a folded paper

||| come to your secret place alone if you want your friend to live |||

Without even thinking for a second I jumped out taking my sword and ran outside, I kept running none stop praying that Gulf would be safe, it's my fault, that stalker must have noticed that I got closer to Gulf and got him involved in this, it was so dark since there was no more tonight and the stars alone couldn't enlighten the place, when I arrived I stopped abruptly looking the other side of the field

"you are really fast, king Mew" my eyes widened seeing that man holding Gulf from the back with a sword to his neck

"stupid! You shouldn't have come! He is after you!!!" Gulf yelled but the evil man held him by his hair harshly and hit him by the knee making Gulf fall down on his knees groaning with the sword still pressed to his neck, I stepped closer, the man was covering his face with a mask but I could tell he was looking to me

"let Gulf go!" I glared to him as he kept looking to me

"it's your fault for letting strangers come to our island, it's your fault for becoming a friend with this intruders, you are not fit to be a king, you always created troubles and bothered everyone since your birth" he stated with low muffled voice

"don't listen to him king Mew, he is just envious of you, he is aiming to steal your crown" Gulf said, I noticed a cut on his cheek which made me angry, I won't forgive this man for hurting my friend

"shut up you shitty nuisance!" the stalker hit Gulf hard he fell down then pulled him forcefully up again, I tried to attack

"one more step and this man is dead! Throw your sword away! Hurry up!" I froze and slowly threw my sword away

"I will never forgive you, I will make sure to catch you and throw you in the dungeon for the rest of your life"

"impossible since you will die right now!" he yelled pushing Gulf away and attacked me, I was able to avoid him and used a tree branch to defend myself, he kept attacking furiously, cutting me w couple of times, I wish I worked more on my swords fighting skills but right now I need to defeat this mad man and protect Gulf, suddenly the man hit so hard that the branch broke in two and he quickly kicked me in my stomach with his leg making me fall down, he raised his hands ready to bury his sword aiming to my heart

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