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Gulf's POV


I was feeling so heavy and extremely weak, I was awake but I barely could open my eyes, my body wouldn't listen to me while I kept laying down doing my best to open my eyes and look around, the room was almost dark if it wasn't for the candle's dim light next to me, I squinted my eyes looking to my sides to find the wolves sleeping, it made me smile seeing them by my side but they must have felt that I was on the verge of death so they accompanied me in place of being with Mew who is surely fine

Even though I was fighting for my life, I'm sure I heard his voice a couple of times apologizing, it's not his fault, I must tell him that or he will keep feeling guilty, after trying for a while I begin to move my hands, as if they felt I was awake, Fang and Finn quickly stood up watching me for a moment then they ran out while I was still trying to move my body but it was useless

"Gulf!!!" Mew was the first to come, he looked so concerned

"I'm fine, don't worry" I managed to say with a hoarse voice

"don't move, you body is still recovering from the poison, I'm sorr-"

"please don't apologize, it's not your fault, it was that evil man's fault for trying to hurt you, besides I should have been more careful, you almost died because of me"

"you saved me, I own you my life, thank you Gulf" I weakly smiled

"how is your wound?"

"it completely healed thanks to the blue flowers that you used"

"I'm glad, I actually used them based of a theory, I actually saw a bird landing there and covering his own wounded wing with the flower"

"even if it's a theory it worked, we also used it for you, covering your cut and making you drink it"

"thank you for saving me king Mew" a couple of doctors came checking on me

"you need to rest for another few days, your immunity system is so low because of the poison and lack of nutrition"

"for how many days I've been sleeping?" I asked

"four days"

"I'm supposed to be back to my city"

"I discussed everything with your professor, your stay here is extended for another two weeks, the rest of the guests left yesterday night, I will write a letter to your professor to notify him that you're fine"

"thank you, I'm so glad I can stay here for a longer time" I was so excited and impatient to quickly recover

For the next three days, Mew have spend almost all his time by my side, he even helped feeding me since I still couldn't move my body well, it felt a little embarrassing at first, he even would wipe my lips and helped cleaning my body with a wet towel, even though I declined since he is a king yet he kept ignoring me saying it's his responsibility since I saved him,  he even waits until I fall asleep before he goes to bed and he will wake me up in the morning, somehow his extra care of me made me a little emotional and he noticed that

"are you alright? You look a little sad" he said while we slowly walked around the garden, being outside refreshed me a lot, I smiled looking to the gardener watering the plants

"it's the first time someone took care of me like this, even my own family would just buy me the medicine and leave me alone at home because of work"

"that's wrong of them, when someone is sick it's better to have someone next to him" I smiled again

"well, it doesn't matter now, I'm already an adult"

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