❁First Meeting❁

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Gulf's POV


After watching the fascinating sunrise, we were led to the hotel, each one of us got his own room, it was more like a big villa than a hotel, my room has a closet facing the window, a Japanese floor table with two cushions and a Japanese thick futon, at first glance you would think it's imitation to Japanese style, but except for the table and the futon everything else has the touch of American style, the curtains, the wall decoration, of course on each side there were candles.

I honestly liked my simple room, I felt so comfortable, not just my room, the island itself made me feel extremely peaceful, the pure clean air is refreshing, the scent of the nature that engulfed me the moment I got out of the plane is very calming and alluring at the same time, this is a paradise for me, I unpacked my thing and then went down to find some people preparing breakfast for us

This is really like a villa with two floors, downstairs is the kitchen and the dining room along with two extra big bathrooms, upstairs there is only bedrooms, there is about 12 rooms I think, since I slept a lot on the way here, I felt completely awake and ready to start exploring any time

"good morning sir" a woman in her thirties approached me, I quickly bowed my head

"good morning, please just call me Gulf" she smiled

"I hope you will enjoy yourself in our treasured island"

"I already love it here"

"I'm glad to hear that, breakfast will be ready soon, is there anything you don't like to eat?"

"I'm not a picky eater, I'm sure anything you will make will be delicious" she smiled again

"thank you Gulf, you could sit here and wait for a while"

"of course" truthfully, I wanted to go out for a walk instead of waiting but I had to follow the rules, tourists are forbidden for going out there alone without a guide which is totally understandable, I looked outside the glass window that was facing the large dining table, suddenly I felt smth brushing against my legs, I glanced down to be surprised by a fox like cat circling around me, I smiled and picked it up rubbing it's back

"wow, you are so beautiful, I never met a cat like you before" I took my phone and took a selfy then continued rubbing and it seem the cat liked it, not a minute had passed and another fox like cat got closer so I also picked it up and I started playing with them, I was astonished by their pure orange fur and their colored eyes

"oh, lilly, cally, what are you doing here?" a girl in her early 20s said noticing the cats

"they are yours?" I asked still playing with them

"ah, yes, it seem they followed me, I'm surprised they let you pick them and touch them, they are usually reserved with strangers"

"since I was a kid I loved animals so I think they could feel that love"

"I see, what's your favorite animal" she asked coming closer playing with cally while I kept holding lilly

"I don't have a favorite one, I actually love all animals"

"but there some scary ones"

"I know but I can't help but love them"

"you are weird" Gulf smiled

"I hear that a lot" we kept talking a little about the animals and I was surprised to know that on this island there is so many animals like wolves and bears and even fox and gorilla, after eating the modest yet super delicious breakfast, a guide came and showed us around the town, the houses were almost similar on each side with a long road that either lead into the forest or straight to the castle, I kept taking pictures all the time getting amazed by everything around

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