❁Another Miracle❁

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Gulf's POV


The moment I agreed, he swiftly pinned me down holding both my hands, my heart exploded and I couldn't take it anymore, or better say, I didn't care about anything at this point, Mew was the one who insisted on it, I can't deny that I'm so scared that he may really hate it and regret it, when he told me he doesn't hate me and won't let me leave I was over the moon with happiness, I'm so glad that I could stay here close to him

Unlike before, I didn't have to hide my feelings or be afraid that he might notice, I kept acting myself while trying to keep a little distance between us since I don't want him to hear how loud my heart could get when he is by my side, at first I was really fine like that yet I couldn't stop myself from secretly wishing that he would fall for me too, every person would wish that too

His burning determined gaze made me shiver as I watched him getting closer, I got more and more nervous with each passing second, honestly, I also agreed because I couldn't fight the urge of wanting to kiss him, I was so surprised when he asked to do it, he leaned so close that our breath started getting mixed together, he surely can hear my heart at this distance, after one last gaze, he leaned connecting our lips creating our first kiss, a single jolt took over my body as I kept staring for a moment forgetting how to breath

I couldn't believe that Mew was kissing me, I can feel it, his milky soft lips on top of mine, somehow I could tell he was nervous too, many questions just passed my mind, how is Mew feeling? Did he hate it? Was it too much for him? Was he forcing himself because of me? Those thoughts somehow scared me and I was going to push him away but suddenly Mew relaxed and deepened the kiss making me tremble again, he moved reconnecting our lips in another gentle kiss that made me relax too and before we noticed we were kissing each other again and again as if we were already a couple

"I love you Gulf" he said taking me by surprise, I blinked as his words got stuck in my ears and unable to reach my mind

"I'm sorry for keeping you wait and hurting you, I'm as dense as a brick when it comes to love and I didn't realize it until we got closer again after your confession, I'm really sorry"

"no way, you must be wrong, you are just going with the flow" I couldn't believe him

"I know it's hard to believe but it's true, I actually fell for you since I first saw you sitting here with Finn, I did mistaken my feeling for just being interested in you while I actually already felt so attached to you, when we are apart I felt so empty and depressed, I want to be even more closer to you, to keep you by my side all the time and to see more of you, this kiss is a prove of my deep feeling for you" he said with a genuine loving smile

He leaned back planting another kiss filled with real love and compassion and I couldn't deny his feelings anymore, Mew loves me back, he also fell for me, I was on cloud nine as tears rushed down while I kissed him back, I'm sure he felt my overflowing feelings by now, my first love didn't ended up being a one-sided one, as he leaned closer, I felt his strong thumping heart assuring me that our feelings are mutual

"please don't cry, I hate it when you are in tears"

"those are tears of joy, I'm so happy right now, I also loved you when we first met here, at first I didn't realize it too but after coming back here, my feelings flew out of their cage and I found myself deep in love with you" he wiped my tears with a wide grin, he stayed close with our noses touching

"from now on, it's the start of our new life as a couple, let's keep loving each other for a very long time Gulf and always stay so close to each other" I nodded hugging him

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