❁New Side❁

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Mew's POV


I was sitting by the ocean field watching the night sky when my wolves suddenly stood up confusing me, they were looking up focusing on one direction so I also looked up and I faintly could hear the sound of the plane, I jumped up making sure of what I just heard since it's 4 days earlier than what Jay said, when I made sure it was the plane that was getting closer, I dashed out of the forest and run to the plane island

By the time I arrived, I found that it had already landed and Jay came out dragging a few things out with him along with Liam, I was truly happy to see Jay all fine but I was searching for Gulf, my wolves suddenly dashed getting into the plane surprising everyone

"I'm back brother" Jay said

"I'm glad to see you safe and healthy Jay, you must be tired, just leave everything hear and go rest, you too Liam, thank you for your hard work"

"it's my job" Liam smiled

"btw Mew, the guest of honor is sleeping inside" I got so excited

"he... accepted?"

"yes, he did, your special friend is back and will be living here, well we are heading back, you wake him up and take him, he really worked hard for the past 5 days"

"I will, thank you both of you" after seeing Jay and Liam walking away, I rushed inside to find Fang and Finn, sitting next to the sleeping Gulf, he did look tired, seeing him in front of me made me so contented, I can't wait to hug him and welcome him to my island

"Gulf... wake up, you arrived" I softly said not wanting to scare him while gently shaking him a little, he groaned a little slowly waking up and yawning

"oh, king Mew... finally, I'm back" he smiled

"welcome back Gulf, thank you for accepting my offer"

"thank you for hiring me, I really love it here and I want to enjoy the rest of my life on this beautiful island" he said with a sleepy voice patting on the wolves who looked so happy

"you look tired and sleepy, come on, I prepared a room for you"

"thank you" he slowly walked yawning several times, some of the town people who saw him came closer greeting him and Gulf was polite greeting them back although he looked like he could fall asleep any second and that's what happened the moment he reached his room, he just feel on his bed and fell asleep almost immediately, seeing him like this made me giggle a lot, I'm truly glad to see him again and healthy.

The next day, after unpacking everything and officially meeting the medical team, we went to our secret field and sat there enjoying the view, I have a lot of questions and I don't know how to begin

"thanks to your island I finished my studies and graduated as the top student, even the project was praised and I got famous thanks to this land" he suddenly started talking, he glanced to find me a little surprised

"you surely wants to know what happened after I got back right?"

"yes, tell me, everything" Gulf smiled and started telling me about him being recognized and starting job immediately at his university, about his family who accepted him a little, he shared with me even his feelings about his previous job while I kept listening and asking him a few times

Being able to sit like this and talk and share our feelings and stories is making me extremely happy, I can't help but wanting to stay this close to Gulf, I feel at ease with him as if I'm with Leo or Jay, is it because he saved my life? Or maybe because he kept being honest and told me everything? I stared at him while he was playing with my wolves

Miracles' Blue Flower [( MewGulf )]Where stories live. Discover now