❁Exploded Feelings❁

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Gulf's POV


I love Mew.

It's smth I can't deny anymore, I have no idea how and when I fell for him, the moment I saw him when I woke up in the plane, I knew immediately that I do, just seeing his face is enough to make my heart race so much, I can't help but get embarrassed around him, everything he do or say makes me so flustered and it's impossible for me to hide my red face

Of course, I plan to hide my feelings, yet he keep pushing me every day and I'm afraid that one day I will blurt out loud how I love him, like when he suddenly touched and ruffled my hair, I was so nervous and embarrassed, my heart was beating so fast and loud that I was afraid he may hear it but gladly he didn't,

I'm well aware how weird it is to feel like this at the age of 27, as if I'm a high school student who just had his first love but I can't help it, well in a way, Mew is really my first love, I was so busy enjoying and studying about the nature and animals that I never cared about dating, I got confessed to so many times, I even got confessed to a few days before Jay's appearance but I was never interested in love until I met this charming king

It got worse when he discovered the BL manga, well I didn't think that he would be so pure to the point he doesn't know what masturbate is, honestly I feel like I affected his innocence in a very bad way, yet he somehow got excited about knowing about the BL world, not only he finished the manga but he kept asking normally and shamelessly to the point I felt so tired both physically and mentally

For him, I'm just a shy man and I'm glad he thinks that but how will I deal with my stupid feelings? I need to quickly push them aside so I can behave normally like a real friend, I'm afraid that he will hate me if he finds out and he may even send me back to my country and I don't want that to happen, it will be better if I don't see him for a few days but it's impossible

"Gulf! Please help!!" he yelled rushing inside the research house, he looked so worried

"what's wrong?!" I jumped noticing how scared he was

"it's Finn, she got hurt and can't move away" we rushed to his room where Finn was lying on his bed and Fang by her side

"hey Finn, how are you? Are you sick?" I kept checking her from head to toe

"is Finn alright?"

"yes, it seem she got hurt lie before, this time she injured her left side" Mew went silent for a moment looking so worried

"she will really be fine right?" he asked staring at me

"yes, don't be so worried, I will treat her well, she just need to stay still and be more careful, i actually read a book about wolves just in case so I know what to do" I looked to fang who was right next to Finn

"take care of you mate" I said ruffling his head

"Mate?" I explained to Mew that when a wolf mark a female wolf she will become his mate and smth like getting married, he was amazed

"ah but I thought wolf siblings don't actually mate so it's kind of weird"

"oh they are not siblings as far as I know, it's true I found them at the same day in the forest but I found Fang near the lake alone and weak from hunger while Finn was injured by that big cherry tree I showed it to you the other day"

"I see that explain it, it's great that they got along this much while they are not siblings and had to suddenly live with a human"

"that's why they are special but when did they are become mates ? I don't remember seeing them behaving weird"

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