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Mew's POV


"so what do you think Mew about my idea?" Leo's question brought me back to reality, I looked to him confused

"I'm sorry Leo, I wasn't listening, what idea are you talking about?" he looked a bit angry but a little concerned too

"are you alright? You've been like this for the past 3 months, you're always daydreaming and you spend all your free time outside in the forest"

"I'm fine, many things happened and I'm still out of it a little, I'm sorry"

"I feel like you are hiding smth else but I won't force you to tell me anything, if you need any help make sure to tell me"

"I will, thank you so much, so about the idea you were talking about"

"oh, yes, I was thinking of dividing this farming land..." I tried my best to focus on what Leo was talking about but deep inside, my mind was somewhere else, just like what my brother said, I've been spacing out a lot since the day Gulf returned to his country, I can't help but keep thinking about him, is he fine? The poison didn't cause him any side effects right? How did he do in his studies? How things are with his family? And many more questions kept swirling inside my brain

It's the first time I kept thinking about a guest like this, we became close so fast that I got used to his presence with me every day, now that he is far away makes me feel so weird, not just me, even Fang and Finn are still looking down, they became quieter then before and would stay with me all day long keeping their promise to Gulf, each time I go to my secret place, all memories that I had with Gulf there start rushing and they seem so vivid which makes me feel so nostalgic and wishing that he quickly comes back

When he left, I felt so depressed like when Jay left for the first time, I won't deny that I miss him, thinking about him all day long making me think I'm weird doing so, honestly, I can't even have real fun like I used to, everything and every place just remind me of Gulf and I find myself feeling sad

"you miss Gulf don't you?" suddenly Jay asked while we were eating dinner, I looked to him surprised then finished swallowing my food

"well yeah, he really became a close friend after all"

"we noticed that you were spacing out a lot, he must have become a special friend to you to feel sad when you think about him" Leo said

"I won't lie and say he is just a friend, we even talked a lot and shared some secrets, he is special and when he returned home, I felt like smth got taken away from my daily life"

"even though you've known each other for 6 weeks" Jay said

"that's why I sometimes think I'm weird"

"then why don't ask him to come live here?" Jay suggested

"he has been working so hard to fulfil his dream, I don't think he will give up years of studying just to live here" we all went silence looking to our food

"I don't understand much about his studies but, isn't he doing some research about the plants and herbs, why don't you hire him as a research in our island, I'm sure he can help to find some healing herbs to help our people" Leo said catching my attention, that's right, Gulf told me that he would love to discover new herbs and medicines and watch the beautiful roses

"it's a great idea brother, Gulf is really intelligent and he used the blue flowers and saved Mew, he surely will help improving our medical team here" Jay agreed

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