❁A World Wonder❁

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Mew's POV


We spend the next day lazing around, well Gulf couldn't move much to begin with and I kept apologizing, my possessiveness got the better of me, I really wanted to hurry and make Gulf mine, I even wanted to arrange the marriage ceremony but couldn't since we were busy preparing my big brother's that got postponed because of some problems, I was glad that Gulf accepted doing it, I feel so relieved knowing that he is completely mine now

"I don't want to go back, I want to stay here longer with you"

"next time Mew, you need to hurry and help your brother for his marriage, besides I also need to help finish our latest experiment, we may actually find a cure to the poison that most men around get while hunting"

"too bad, next time let's stay for a week" he smiled as helped him go on top of the horse

"we will be together for a very long time" he stated making me contented, I really enjoy every passing second with him, even though we quickly returned to our usual daily life we still kept meeting and even sharing a room almost every day, some would tease us from time to time which makes Gulf all shy but it's always fun and sweet with him

Leo got married and spent a sweet time with his wife alone for two weeks, I'm so happy for him, he genuinely looked happy sharing a true delightful love life with his woman, Gulf and the medical team successfully created an antidote for the poison that we kept suffering from for decades, it is a huge accomplishment for our island and this encouraged us more to work and study harder

My life is currently perfect, everyone were doing fine, yet lately I noticed that Gulf was looking a bit pale and his cheeks are pinkish all day, he kept saying he is feeling fine but I was getting concerned, I even caught him a few times throwing up and would eat less than usual, I asked him to rest but he wouldn't listen

"Gulf, you really need to rest and take some medicine, I can clearly see that you have a fever and looking tired" I stopped him while he was walking out of the castle

"I'm really fine Mew, it gotten so cold lately and I think my body is just trying to get used to the weather here"

"still please rest for a couple of days and make sure to eat more"

"alright, stop looking like that, I'll go back to my room and take a nap"

"good, please tell me if you felt really bad " I saw him walking back then went back to work, he should be getting better but even after a week had passed he got worse, Gulf also started worrying about himself yet he was sure it's not smth to take medicine for, not just physically, I feel like he got moody lately, like that time when he was reading a book, he was calm and behaving normally but suddenly started giggling

"Gulf, that's a detective story"

"I know but I still find this part funny" I peeked reading the part he talked about, I blinked staring at him

"the detective found out that his partner is a traitor, what's funny about that?"

"I don't know, it just makes me laugh, can't I laugh?" he suddenly turned a bit angry surprising me even more, he never acted like this before, I felt so puzzled and even asked the older doctor to check him but he found nothing, not just that time, once we decided to meet by the beach and I told him that I would be late but when I arrived he ignored me and wouldn't talk to me at all feeling angry because I was a little late, he even kept sulking for half a day just because I greeted my two female cousins

I discussed my worries with Leo who actually noticed Gulf's weird behavior and how he was looking terrible, finally, we agreed that I should take him to his city and go to a hospital there, Jay told me that they are so advanced and will quickly know what is happening to my lover, Leo encouraged me and promised that he will take care of things while I'm gone

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