❁Getting Closer❁

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Mew's POV


I stood in disbelieve watching Gulf running away, I was so stunned that I didn't know how to react, I slowly made my way back to the castle but was completely out of it and couldn't focus for the rest of the party, of course everyone noticed my strange behavior but I lied saying I'm just tired, when I got back to my room I sat on my bed still trying to understand what Gulf just said

He clearly said he loves me, I'm sure I heard it right, he looked sad and hurt and even apologized, during the party I noticed him talking to Leo but as soon as Leo walked away I saw him running out, I got worried and rushed after him, I was shocked to find him crying, but I never thought that he would confess to me like that, he said he love me so much, he loves me like the BL couple in the manga I read

I sat looking to my sleeping wolves while I was still dumbfounded looking up not being able to sleep, Gulf is my close friend, wait? Is this why he avoided me before? Is it because he has feeling for me that he gets all shy? It explain why I don't him getting embarrassed with anyone else, my head is a mess, I can't think straight, I don't know what to do either

I spend the next week in a daze, I didn't get to see Gulf almost at all, just a couple of times when he was going out and back to the castle, he spent all his day in the medical house and honestly I really hated that I couldn't see or talk to him, I felt so empty and depressed and couldn't focus on anything, my mind was only full of Gulf's confession that kept ringing in my ears, somehow another week passed without contacting each other at all


"Mew, isn't it time to tell me what's wrong?" Leo started

"I was going to ask too, you've been so down and barely talked, you didn't even got out of the castle once for half a month" Jay added, I sighed

"it's a little personal problem I want to solve myself but I want to take your advice"

"sure, tell us everything" Leo said

"well, I got confessed by someone, but I'm not sure how to answer them" they looked surprised for moment then smiled widely

"I knew my brother will be popular, well, it's not about how you answer" Jay started

"it's all about your own feeling, so you feel attracted to that person?" I thought for a while, am I attracted to Gulf? We are close and I sometimes find him funny when he gets shy, he is good-looking and has a calming gentle smile and honest look

"yes, I think I am"

"how good is that person's personality?" Jay asked this time, I don't have to think about this

"they have an amazing personality, I even trust them" they looked astonished for a moment

"and the most important question is, do you love person?"

"I don't know, well I'm sure I don't hate them" Jay and Leo glanced to each other

"did it feel disturbing when they confessed?" Jay asked

"not disturbing but so surprising"

"did it feel bad in anyway?" Leo asked

"no, it didn't feel bad or wrong or anything" they smiled

"then you should just get closer to that person and see how you will react after that confession, whether you will get embarrassed, how your heart will beat, you will surely feel it if you fell for them, just don't think about it and follow your heart" Leo asked

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