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I always thought my parents were a bit odd.

Before meeting other kids, I thought all parents were like this but after a few years I knew something was off about them. First of all, I never saw them outside during the day, which was annoying for when I wanted to go to the beach. My dad would always call one of his trustable friends over to take me to the beach, the park or any other places I wanted to go. The friend would stay in the car and watch me until I was bored, and then would bring me back home.

They also barely ate anything around me. They told me they were too busy to eat a big dinner and would sit beside me and eat a pie. A lot of those times I would hear them throwing up in the bathroom. At first, I would always be extremely worried for them and would try to give them an Advil and some water but after awhile I just gave up since they always told me to go to bed and not worry.

There was also the fact that I was sixteen and my parents looked like they were just about 25. They looked the same way as they did when I was born and are born beautiful people. My mother, Avani, and could be confused with Shania Twain but she was even more beautiful. My mother's skin had this glow that made everyone stare at her until she was out of their eyesight and no one could forget her.

My father, Liam, was more like the tall, dark and handsome man and when I say dark I mean dark. He had black hair, always wore dark clothing and had this dark look in his eyes. If I didn't know him so good, I would be scared of him. But I do know better. He would never hurt me or let anyone bring me any kind of pain.

I can still remember than one time when I'd been mugged while coming back from my best friend Paige's house. The moment he'd took my bag, my father had been there and protected me. I'm still not sure what happened to the mugger, because my father was moving quicker than I was able to see.

After that my parents had forced me to accept that I had a body guard everywhere I went. At school, he was always in the back of the class which made my school experience even worse. I was pretty much an outsider...

A loser

A weirdo

An 'Emo' some people would say, but that word just pissed me off. Can't they tell the difference between an Emo and a Goth?

I was lucky enough that my parents accepted my dark clothing, Goth music and love for dark paranormal creatures - I have this crazy obsession for paranormal books and movies-. But the school kids didn't accept that, obviously. They spent their days thinking of weird names for me or jokes. Tony, my Italian bodyguard who looked like he was part of the mafia would never do anything when I was being shoved around and called names, but would immediately attack if a stranger would approach me on the street. Didn't he understand that I was being more hurt at school than anywhere else?

Even though it was painful, I didn't really care. I loved the way I dressed and I had no problem with myself. I didn't think I was any better than anyone else and I didn't think all other kind of clothing or music was lame. Actually, my best friend Paige looked nothing like me. Her favorite color was pink and she wore clothing from American Eagle. We didn't have our taste in clothes and music in common, but without that we were like soul sisters. We'd been friends since kinder-garden and we barely went two days without seeing each other. She had a bit more friends than me, she was friends with everyone actually but I was just friends with the few people that were Goth also. We were only four Goths in my school.

Other than me, there was Olivia who we just called Via, Brandon and Jaxon. Jaxon had asked me out once and I'd obviously accepted his proposal. Who wouldn't? He might be Goth but all girls at school wanted him. He was absolutely gorgeous. When I'd spoken with my parents about it, they'd immediately forbid me to date him even though they knew and liked him a lot. I had planned to just sneak out and meet him somewhere but my parents put guards everywhere in the house and outside. I'd been asked out by very few guys and all of them had probably only asked me because they liked my attitude and taste in music. It wasn't as if I was pretty or beautiful as my mother. Even under my black eyeliner and black hair, with a few layers of blue for this month's mood, I was not close to being pretty. So when a guy did ask me out, I was extremely happy. Then the moment my parents found out, even when I didn't tell them they found out in some way, they would forbid me to see them. I know that some parents didn't want to let their little sweet and innocent girl go, but this was too much.

It was a week before my seventeenth birthday when my parents told me they were vampires

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