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Consciousness slowly returned to me and I had no idea how long I'd been unconscious or what had happened during that time. I blinked a few times, trying to get rid of the dancing black dots in my eyes and tried to sit up. When everything around me began to spin I let myself fall back on the bed that I'd woken up on and looked up at the gray ceiling. I took a few deep breaths and turned my head to look at the room I was in. The only thing other than the bed I was currently laying on was a desk. All the walls were gray and there was a large steel door that I suspected was locked.

I closed my eyes and tried to figure out what had happened. I remembered seeing Brandon, speaking and fighting with him, I could remember that afterwards I had some kind of pain then...Jaxon. I didn't understand why he was there though. Was he watching me, maybe hoping he could talk to me once Brandon was gone? Did he come to my rescue when someone, the hunter I suspected, hit me in the back of the head? If so, why would I be in a room that locked like it was normally used to torture people. Did the Hunter have me? Was Jaxon alright? I had these and million more questions going through my head and for the first time since this adventure began, I was truly afraid. Afraid of what would happen to Jaxon, to my family, to Nathaniel and to me. I didn't want to die without being able to live my life first.

The fact that I was able to contact Nathaniel with his powers only came to me now. I didn't know where I was but if he at least knew that I was in danger he would look for me. There was a bigger chance of him finding me than me running away. It's times like these that I wished I'd been turned into a vampire on one of the nights at the cottage.

My eyes remained closed and I concentrated on taking away the block, but something was wrong. No matter how hard I tried, I was unable to contact him. I was no longer afraid, I was terrified. I tried again but the only thing I got in response was a bigger headache. I felt tears form in my eyes but I couldn't let myself shed them. I had to remain on guard to stay alive as long as I could, and crying would only be a distraction. The probability that it would cause my death was high.

The sound of the door being unlocked snapped me out of my thoughts. I jumped up from the bed and stood not far from it, ready to defend myself to whatever was to come. I was dizzy, but I was able to remain standing. When the door opened, I couldn't believe my eyes. There was Jaxon, standing at the door holding a tray full of food. He was still wearing what he'd worn the day I'd last seen him, when he'd admitted his feelings for me.

He gave me a warm smile, "Oh Good, you're awake. I brought you some food. Please sit down."

I did as he asked. I sat on the bed and watched as he walked over to the large mahogany desk and put the tray on it. He took the plate of pancakes, he knew it was my favorite food, and came to sit beside me. After a bit of hesitation, I let him feed me. I was too weak to do anything else. Once he finished feeding me everything on the plate, he took the small bowl of cut apples and fed them to me one at the time.

"Where am I? What is this...ugly room?" I said once I'd eaten everything on the tray. The only thing left was the glass of water.

"I apologize for the room. Soon you'll have a fully furnished room. I promise, it will be perfect for you." He smiled and leaned over to kiss my forehead. For some reason it didn't effect me as it use to. It only made me think of Nathaniel, and how oddly safe I was with him after just a few days of knowing him.

"Why did you make me a room? You saved me from the hun- attacker, right?" My head started to pound. I hissed and put a hand to my temple "God, my head hurts." Through the pain, I looked up at Jaxon, who was looking down at me with adoring eyes. "Why can't you just bring me home? I want to go home." I want to go to Nathaniel, he'll make everything better. I don't know why I thought this, but I knew that somehow it was true.

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