chapter 3

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I had been sitting on one of the swings in central park for at least fifteen minutes when I heard Jaxon's old car roll in the parking lot. It was an old car his grandfather had given him and the sound it made was, you could say, one of a kind. It was this dreadful sound that made the sound of nails on the chalkboard one of the best sounds in the world. I had to force myself not to cringe at the sound. The car was ready to fall apart but no matter what I said Jaxon wouldn't let it go.

I looked up to find him walking towards me. The look on his face was unmistakably one of worry, but even then he was still incredibly sexy. He wore a pair of loose black jeans, a blackGodsmack shirt and his somewhat long black hair. He had a few accessories and both his arms - oh his arms - were covered in tattoos. It disturbed some people, for example the elderly, but to me it was a work of art.

He was 18, a year older than me, and had begun getting his arms tattooed at the age of 16. That's what happens when your parents own a tattoo shop. I didn't have any tattoos but I wish I did. Not as much as Jaxon, but a few.

When he arrived at the swings I stood up and put my arms around his waist and my head on his chest. At the moment, I just wanted to be held. He put his arms around me and held me as I tried to relax.

Jaxon and I had met three years ago when we were put together for a science project. He had failed 9th grade science and has ended up in my class. Since then we were inseparable. He was my best friend and I wasn't able to see my life without him. I thought he was the sexiest man I'd ever seen and I couldn't deny my strong feelings for him, but I had a big idea that it wouldn't ever work between us. We just weren't meant to be more than friends.

A few minutes later, we were each sitting on a swing, looking up at the sky.

"So, what did you need to talk to me about?" He eventually asked.

For a few moments I tried to find a way to explain all this without saying the word 'vampire.'

"I found out why my parents have been acting so odd these days." I said, trying to bide my time.

"And?" He moved his hand for me to continue.

I looked down at my feet and kicked the soft sand that was all over the park. "They have old friends coming over for my birthday."

Both his eyebrows rose up. "That's it?"


Jaxon tilted his head to the side, his way of telling me he was confused and for me to explain. I took a deep breath. "Their son is coming with them. I have to marry him."

"You what?" He burst out, jumping up from his seat on the swing.

Now I couldn't stop myself from letting a sob that I had been keeping in from coming out.. I had held myself at my home and when Jaxon had first got here but for some reason now I couldn't. Once I started, I couldn't stop crying for nothing. It made no sense because the last time I cried was when I was 10 years old and I broke my arm. I never cried, never. Until now.

I wasn't crying because of the marriage exactly, more for the fact that my life had changed so drastically in just minutes. I had been in a stable life. I knew what I was doing and what my future held, but now that all changed. Maybe I had always known this somewhere inside of me, but it had still come out as a big shock.

I don't know how long I cried, but the next thing I knew I was beginning to relax and I was sitting on Jaxon's lap while he sat on the ground leaning against one of the metal bars that held the swings up. "I'm sorry; I didn't mean to freak out like that."

"It's okay. You've been through a lot. Are you ready to talk now?" He asked.

I nodded and took a deep breath. "Paige gave me a drive home 'cause Tony didn't show up after school to pick me up. When I got home my parents were waiting for me. My mother told me she had accidentally sent Tony out of town because she's been very busy."

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