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We'd left the house more than one hour before and I hadn't seen any sign of civilization in at least thirty minutes. The only thing I wanted to do was ask Nathaniel questions about everything that had happened today. Not only the whole vampire hunter thing, or his powers, but about the wedding and what I had to expect from this. I was also curious about this cottage. I'd never heard of it before so I had no idea where we were headed. Nathaniel seemed to know exactly where he was going. He was so cool and collected and I couldn't understand how he wasn't afraid.

The silence in the car began to torture me. I sighed and turned on the radio. Some old love song began to play and I frowned, I wasn't really in the mood for that kind of music. I wanted to listen to something that wouldn't worsen the situation I was in.

I switched the channel and it ended up being one of those radio stations that had several different types of music but most of them consisted of rap, hip-hop and R&B. A song I didn't know finished and a new one began to play. I knew exactly what this song was because I'd listened to it several times. It wasn't my type of music, but 'I Kissed a Girl' By Katy Perry was a real catchy song.

I took my hand away from the radio and I was about to look out the window when I saw Nathaniel's frown in the corner of my eye. I looked his way and raised my eyebrows. "What?"

He jumped a bit, not having realized that I had seen his frown. "Nothing."

"Nothing my ass. What is it?"

He looked at the radio then at me, though not completely taking his attention off the road. "I just didn't know you liked that kind of music."

"I don't usually, but this one is quite good. It's different and catchy."

He shook his head, "Right, whatever."

I smiled a bit. I knew it didn't have to do with the type of song, but what the singer was saying. I couldn't help but let out a low chuckle. "It's just a song, Nathan."

"I know. It's just...weird. I've never heard a singer openly say things like that."

I wish he could see the look on his face right now. He looked confused, probably for the reason he just said, and I had to force myself not to laugh.

"I know a lot of girls who experiment. Even a few guys."

He grimaced, "That's so wrong..."

"What is? Homosexuality?" My voice rose. I personality had no problems with homosexuals. They were just like any other human beings and I was one of those people who defended them constantly. None of my close friends were gay, but if I did have a homosexual friend I would probably walk the yearly 'gay parade' with them to show my support. I believed that everyone should be accepted for what they were.

"No! I didn't mean it like that. I just..." He tried to find the words and seemed to start panicking a bit.

"I know what you mean, Nathan. You just thought of yourself doing that, right?" I forced a smile to show that I understood. It was normal for straight men to react that way.

He nodded, "I have a friend in Europe who's gay and I don't have a problem with it. I don't really know why I said it was gross...but like you said, I pictured myself 'experimenting'." He frowned then turned his attention back to the road.

Once the song finished we lost all of our inspiration to speak. I felt better now that I knew we could have an actual conversation but now it was like we hadn't spoken at all. I wanted to know so much more about him and the short conversation we'd just made me feel closer to him somehow.

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