chapter 8

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I was sitting crossed-legged on my bed with my guitar on my lap as I followed the beat of 'Afterlife' by Avenged Seven fold. I was listening to the song on my Ipod so that I could follow the beat correctly and see if I made any mistakes. I hadn't been playing the song for long, but I knew that soon I would be able to play it without the help of my Ipod.

You might be all wondering what I was doing playing guitar in the middle of the day, and the answer to that is that it's my birthday today. Yes, today was Friday and I hadn't gotten out of my room since I climbed the stairs the day before. Once I had fallen asleep, I slept for at least 14 hours without waking up once. I was sure that the crying I did when I got home had been the cause of that. Crying always seemed to make me exhausted.

I was never one to skip school, but today was the one day that I wasn't going to school no matter what. Especially after yesterday. A shiver went through me at the thought. I force myself to think of anything but that.

That's when I started worrying about what exactly was expected of me today. Was today the day that I was forced to marry Nathan? Or was it just the day that we planned the wedding. No one had told me anything about it, but I was sure that all the time my mother spent with Keri was to plan the wedding. I only wished that I could know what to expect. Was this going to be a normal wedding or was it different in the vampire world?

I couldn't believe I was able to accept this all without losing my mind, but I loved my parents and would do anything for them. Marrying Nathan was one of those things. At least he wasn't an abuser. He was a little mean, sure, but I was pretty sure that he wouldn't hurt me physically. That was alright, right?

No, I shook my head, it wasn't. There was no way I was going to let myself get insulted nor was I going to let him push me around! And I was going to tell him that!

This was probably just a random decision I would regret later, but I went for it. I put down my guitar and walked out of my room for the first time since I got home from school yesterday. I ran down the stairs then walked over to the stairs that lead to the basement and silently went down them. I didn't want to wake anyone because then there would be too many questions. He's the only one I wanted to talk to.

I stopped at his door and took a deep breath before opening the door. He was sleeping on his stomach and was wearing a pair of silk boxers. I could see what he was wearing because the sheet that had probably covered his body before was now down to his knees. His face was turned towards me and I couldn't help but think he looked like an angel when he slept. When he was awake he seemed to always have his guard up, but now he just looked like the beautiful 19 year old he was. He looked like nothing bad had happened in his life, as if he was just passed out after a hard day at his new job. He looked so normal, but she knew that he wasn't close to being normal.

She walked over to his bed and raised one leg to give his leg a little push. When he didn't react, I kicked him again. This time he groaned but that's about it. I sighed and got closer to him. My lips were right at his ear when I said, "Time to wake up!"

Next thing I knew, I was on the ground with Nathan on top of me, his hand at my throat holding me so tightly that I couldn't breath. I tried to fight him, but his grip only got tighter. The pool of darkness began to come, but before I could pass out his hand disappeared completely and I fought my way back to normal. I tried to get air in my lungs again but it took me a few minutes to breath normally.

When I opened my eyes again, I found myself looking up into his eyes. He was still on top of me but he was using his hands to hold himself up so he wouldn't crush me.

"What are you doing here?" He whispered angrily after awhile.

"I wanted to talk to you." My breathing was back to normal by then, but I still sounded a little breathless. That's when I noticed why. We both weren't wearing much and we were pressed up against each other. I was only wearing a shirt and a pair of booty shorts. I should have thought to change before coming down here.

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