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"Was that it?" I asked softly, staring up at the dark ceiling above me. Nathan turned to look at me but I didn't move, preferring to just keep staring up.

"Yeah, I guess it was." He replied simply.

I sighed and held the blanket tightly to my chest. "I expected a bit more...bang. You know? It wasn't at all like I expected."

"That's exactly what I thought when it first happened to me too." He reached out to touch the two small puncture wounds he'd left on the right side of my neck. "I didn't hurt you did I?"

"It hurt a bit at first, but not anymore." I took a deep breath and turned towards him, staring into his beautiful eyes. "So, I'm seriously a vampire now? There's nothing more to do? Just bite, give me a drop of your blood and I'm a vampire now?"

"Yeah, that's it." He smiled. "For some people it can be worse, but your thoughts were elsewhere. I also made sure to do it when you were in the middle of your...pleasure."

I couldn't help but blush. Even after everything we'd done in the past few hours, I couldn't help it. It had been amazing. A lot of people from school had told me sex was overrated, but I was sure none of them had ever been with a man like Nathan and they hadn't ever felt the kind of love I had for him either. To make love to your soul mate was the ultimate feeling. Nothing, absolutely nothing, could be better than this.

We'd been going at it for an hour when Nathan asked me if I was ready to be turned. I hadn't hesitated and not even a minute afterward, I was officially a vampire. No bang, no pain like I'd read in some vampire novels and absolutely no craving for blood. I didn't feel any different. I was still little ole Katra Samson.

"What about the need for blood?" I asked. "Shouldn't I feel anything? No offense, but maybe you did it wrong."

He frowned and seemed a bit offended. "No, I didn't do anything wrong. I can sense it. You are indeed a vampire. It'll be a few hours before you start to feel the difference. And when you feel a little pain in your gums, it's time to feed."

"Oh." I took a deep breath then let it out again. "Well, the whole drinking blood thing is something I'm sure I can get use to, but it must not be very appetizing."

"Actually, it's very good. Your taste buds have changed, but not much, just enough to make blood taste very delicious."

I lifted an eyebrow in doubt. "'s blood."

He smiled. "You'll get use to it. Don't worry, my love."

"Fine." I sighed dramatically, making him chuckle.

Smiling, I grabbed his hand and pulled him to me. His arms came around my waist, holding me tightly against him, our legs entwined together. "I think that maybe it wasn't such a good idea to have sex."

He pulled away from my neck, where he'd been kissing his mark, and looked down at me with worry. "Did I hurt you? I'm so sorry; I should have known that you weren't ready."

I laughed and his face went from looking worried to confused. "No, you didn't hurt me and I was most definitely ready. It's just that now I can't seem to get enough of you. You'll have a hard time getting rid of me now."

He pulled me roughly against him, even closer than I had been in the first place, if that was possible. His face was completely serious, all amusement gone. "I'll never want to get rid of you. Never."

I cupped his face with my hands and kiss the tip of his nose. "I was just kidding. Even if you did want to get rid of me, I wouldn't let you."

His faced was filled with amusement again and I was sure that I'd never seen anything as beautiful.

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