chapter 1

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"Hello...Katra? Can you hear me?"

My head snapped up when a hand began to move in front of my face. I looked to the left where I found Paige, my best friend, sitting beside me on the cement steps of the school entrance. I wasn't sure how long I had been sitting there or how long Paige had been trying to talk to me, but I didn't really care. I was just angry at Tony for being so incredibly late to pick me up from school. I didn't want to stay at school any longer than I had too.

For some reason this morning my parents actually let me come to school without a bodyguard. They said that Tony had some business to attend to but I still didn't understand why they didn't just give me another bodyguard. Not that I wasn't happy to not have someone follow me around all day, I was just curious.

They had also told me that Tony would be back in time to pick me up from school but school had finished two hours ago and he had yet to show up. I didn't understand how my parents could have gone from extremely over protective to barely protective in just a day. Something was up, I knew it.

I smiled a little bit at Paige. "Sorry, I was just spacing out."

"Tony isn't here yet?" She asked then said, "That makes no sense. If he wouldn't be able to pick you up he would have just sent someone else."

"I was thinking the same thing."

The only reason I wasn't completely alone right now was because Paige was in the volleyball team and she had just come out of practice. She was also in the Cheerleading team, Soccer team and the Science Club. I had no idea how she was able to keep up with them all and still have a life. I myself wasn't in any clubs, unless you thought that going to the music class to jam during dinner could be called a club. The only thing that interested me these days was playing on my guitar. I liked reading also, but there weren't any clubs around here for people that loved to read. It was unfair, but people around here were more interested in sports than reading.

"I could give you a ride home." Paige suggested. She had received her license a week ago and never missed a chance to drive around town.

"Sure, if you don't mind."

Paige laughed and got up, wiping her pants as if the cement was the dirtiest thing in the world. "Of course I don't mind. That's what friends are for."

I nodded and got up also. I followed Paige to the parking lot and to the only car left, the Mercedes Benz. Her father had been saving the money to buy it since his little 'princess' was born. Being an only child had definitely been a good thing for her, unlike me. I had begged my parents for a long time to have a little brother or sister, but they told me that my mother couldn't have any more children because of a complication she had had during her pregnancy with me. I just wished I wasn't alone all the time. Even the maids were too busy to talk to me. When I was home, I was completely alone all the time. I knew my parents loved me, so why couldn't they just adopt?

I shook my head to try to forget about it and climbed into the car. Soon enough, we were on our way to my house.

"This is so weird," She pushed her blond hair out of her face. "For as long as I've known you your parents have the most over protective people I've ever met. For them to forget to send someone for you is just...very odd. Do you think something is going on?"

"They have been busy a lot these days." I replied.

She chuckled and gave me a look. "Come on Katra, your parents have always been busy but they always made sure someone was with you at all times."

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