Chapter 9

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Tom POV:
I went to my office and looked up John Krasinski. He was part of a mob that my dad use to sometimes work alongside with. I still didn't trust the guy. I knew I was being an ass to y/n but we had a contract and she was breaking it. I was going to go find her and get her back.

I took John to the hospital. He required a few stitches but that was all luckily.
"So you going back to Holland's tonight?" He asked
"Ha not over my dead body"
"What happened exactly?"
"He was in the bedroom with another girl. I was so mad that's why I accidentally bumped into you"
"Ah gotcha well your welcome to stay with me tonight"
"Thanks I'd appreciate that. My life is basically a living hell right now"
He drove us to his house which wasn't as big as Toms but still a big house none the less.
"Your welcome to stay anywhere you want in the house. I have a few extra bedrooms"
"Can I sleep in your bed? I'm sorry I'm just scared to sleep by myself after what happened"
"Don't worry I won't let Tom get you" he said hugging me. You knew you just met the guy and he could be just as sleazy as Tom but this was the only choice you had right now. You and John went to sleep in his bed. You close to him.

Tom POV:
"Tom I really think we should just leave y/n alone I mean you did go and basically cheat on her" Harrison said

"I don't care Harrison she's breaking the contract and I gave her and my parents my word that I would protect her not some guy she met at a party."
"Maybe he's a good guy who deserves a girl like her unlike you"
"What did you say Harrison?" Tom said through gritted teeth
"You heard me mate. Shes a good girl and you've treated her like shit."
I pulled out my gun from my desk drawer.
"Well I'm going to go get y/n back with or without you."
Harrison sighed going with Tom knowing it was better to know what type of choices Tom was making before he actually made them.
"Do you even know where we're going?" Harrison asked driving
"Yes it's not that hard to find an address" I said plugging in johns address in the gps
We pulled up to a small house with no lights on.
"Damn this is a small house" I said getting my gun out just in case I would need it. I got out of the car and shut the door.

I awoke hearing a loud noise like a car door slamming shut. I woke up John
"John! John!"
"What?" He said sleepy
"I think Toms here"
"I know your scared but trust me he isn't coming after you your safe with me"

The door then busted open with Tom and Harrison holding guns.

"Hey John nice to meet you again" Tom said
John quickly got up and grabbed a gun shoving me behind him.
"Get the fuck out of my house" John said angrily
"Not until I take back what's mine" Tom said looking at me
"Your not getting her. You can have anything else" John said still holding his gun at Tom.
"Well then I guess where playing this the hard way" Tom said shooting at him. You went behind the bed crying your eyes out hearing each bullet being fired. The shooting shortly stopped and Tom grabbed you. You screamed trying to grab onto anything but Tom was a very strong guy. Harrison was shooting at John while Tom went and got you. You knew this fight had ended. Tom put you in the back of his car and sped off back to his mansion.
You cried so hard. You hated Tom. He always made your life a living hell.
"Come on darling" he said opening the car door and reaching his hand out.
You looked at him so angrily with tears running down your face. You just wanted to be loved that's all.
"He's not who you think he is" Tom said
"Whatever Tom" you said getting out of the car and going back inside to your room.
You slammed the door shut locking it. Shortly after you heard a knock.
"Can we please talk about what happened tonight?" Tom asked
You got up and opened your door
"Tom there is nothing to talk about. You don't have feelings for me like I knew all along. You like easy girls who will bow down to you and I'm not one of those girls" you said
"I know your not"
"Tom do you even know what love is?"
"That's such a stupid question"
"Is it? Because your the one who said you loved me then hooked up with another girl"
"Goodnight y/n"
You closed the door and went to sleep.

The next morning:
Tom POV:
I went downstairs still waking up and saw Harrison eating breakfast.
"Morning mate" I said
"So Tom we have a problem"
"Harrison it's the morning time how do we already have a problem?"
"So one of your dads friends who still runs his own mob wants to meet you and your new "wife" tonight"
"Shit that is a problem" I replied
"How are you going to get y/n to go with you? She hates your guts right now"
"Maybe there is some way to bribe her"
"I hope so" Harrison said
I went upstairs and knocked on her door
"Y/n can you open the door please?" I asked politely
I heard foot steps then the door open with her half asleep
"Yes master?" She said annoyed
"So one of my dads friends wants to meet my new wife tonight at his gala dinner"
"So take the girl you were screwing around with last night"
"Sorry darling can't do that"
"How many gala dinners do you have to go to?"She asked
"When your in a mob like me darling countless times. How can I make you go with me? What do you want?" I asked
"To get the hell out of here"
"Well I can't do that but I'll buy you whatever you want"
"Fine sure whatever just give me a dress and shoes and I'll go with you tonight" she said then closing the door
"Wow that was surprisingly easy" I thought to myself.

Great now I have to go with my so called husband to this stupid gala dinner. I was way to tired and exhausted to even start a fight with Tom so I just decided to go with his plan. Whatever this is my new life right? So I better get use to it.
A few hours later Tom sent up a dress and a pair of heels. I did my makeup and hair and was about to go downstairs. I had a plan to be all wifey toward Tom tonight. Tom was already in the car so I hoped in.
"Now I know you hate me but remember your my wife" he said
"Oh don't worry I won't forget" I said smiling.
When we arrived they were many men in suits and women in nice dresses. This made me sick. I knew I didn't fit in here but Tom wants a wife to show off I'll give him one.
"Hey Frank" Tom said shaking hands with a man probably in his 50s or 60s.
"Hey Tom nice to see you. Is this your new wife?"
"Hi yes I'm y/n" I said shaking his hand
"Well you sure are a pretty one"
"Aww thank you"
"You two aren't very affectionate are you guys?" He said laughing
"Oh we're super affectionate. All the time, see" you said kissing Tom for a good minute.
You broke away and said "I'm going to go get a drink" and walked over to the bar. Tom looked very shocked.
"Two shots and a margarita please" you said to the bar tender
"Someone trying to get drunk tonight?" He said laughing.
"Pretty much"
He gave you your drinks and you downed the shots and started drinking the margarita. You were trying to get drunk just to embarrass Tom even more. He said he wanted a wife so you were going to give him one.
"Hey so what did I miss?" I said sitting back at the table.
"Oh not much darling" Tom said patting your leg and looking at Frank. I could tell he was trying so hard to play the husband affectionate part. It was pretty amusing. They kept talking business and you ate and got drink after drink.
"You know Tom is the best husband ever" you said quite drunk.
"Oh is he now?" Frank said chuckling a bit.
"Oh not really" Tom said smiling but not looking at me. I was for sure succeeding in the embarrassment department
"Yes you are! He treats me like a queen"
"Well I'm glad Tom is taking care of you"
"Me too. Let's go dance Tom!" You said pulling him onto the dance floor. Frank sat at the table while you were grinding on Tom.
"What are you doing?" He said smiling and talking through his smile to look as happy and natural as possible.
"I'm your wife remember?"
"Ugh whatever. I'm going to go sit down" he said leaving.
You went over to the bar and saw a familiar face.
"Hey! Y/N!" It was John from before
"Oh my gosh hey!!!"
"Are you drunk?"
"Well you want to get out of here?"
He led you outside where there was a circle of men. One of these guys you recognized. You tried to run but it was no use
"Don't run from me babe. There is no way out this time" it was Jake from before
Your heart was beating faster but because of the alcohol you couldn't process what was going on as much as you could've sober.
"John I thought you loved me"
"Nah not really. Now get in the car." He said pointing a gun to your head.
You did as he said and got in the car knowing Tom would never know where you were. This was it.

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