Chapter 7

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I woke up in a dark room only lite with a light right above me so bright it was making my head hurt. I was tied to a chair and three guys surrounded me before I heard a familiar voice.

"well looks like I finally caught you. Have to say you did very well disguising yourself. The only way I figured out who you were was when you shot me and half my men. But now you are the one that is going to be dead and so are your friends."

"where's Tom and Harrison" I said strongly.

"If I were you I'd be more concerned with yourself than two assholes. Isn't that what you called them?"

damn it he was right but no matter what I would give my life for them.

"kill me and release them"

Jake laughed and so did his men

"oh if it only worked that way"

"what do you want?"

"well at first it was money, then it was to take Tom down, but now it to sleep with his wife" he said getting really close to your face.

You had to think fast of how you would get out of here. You knew the only way was to give them what they wanted.

"fine, if you let Tom and Harrison go I'll sleep with you"

Jake looked surprised.

"alright fair enough"

He untied you and grabbed you leading you down a long hallway. You knew you didn't have your gun anymore but you did have your fists. As he was walking behind you, you elbowed him in the nuts as hard as you could making him fall to the ground. You punched him over and over until he was bleeding a great amount. His other men started coming trying to grab you but you got one of his men slammed his head against a wall and grabbed his gun shooting the remainder of the men. You went down the hall to try to find Tom and Harrison. You heard muffled voices and tried to open the door but it was locked. You got your gun and slammed it into the glass door. There you saw Tom and Harrison on the ground beaten very badly with tape over their mouths. You ripped it off of them and untied them.

"Tom are you ok?" you said holding his head up

"I'll be fine y/n how did you get out?"

"long story I-"

but before you could finish you were shot

"well now we have three stupid people in the same room. Thanks for making it much easier on us" Jake said

When Jake turned away Tom got near your gun and began shooting the men including Jake and Harrison grabbed the guns of the dead men. Although Tom and Harrison were both beaten badly they grabbed you and ran out of Jakes place into the car they came in.
Tom sat with you in the back seat while Harrison drove like a maniac back to the mansion where they had a private doctor to help you recover. Tom liked everything private even emergencies. he had a guy for everything to keep himself out of the public eye.
Once Harrison reached the mansion he helped Tom get you out of the car into the house to his doctor.
"She will be okay right?" Tom asked nervously
"Tom I have fixed every one of your injuries she should be no different. It's just a bullet."
He said it like it was nothing but to him it was. He was used to seeing much worse from Tom.

You awoke in a room that wasn't yours. It was a huge room with a huge TV in front of you. While your vision was focusing you saw Tom looking over you.

"I'm so sorry darling" he said with tears forming in his eyes.

"What happened?"

"You were shot when we were at Jakes place. Thanks for saving us."

"I didn't do much you guys would've gotten out of it no matter what" you said with a smile

"Y/n I know I've been a jerk to you your whole life basically and I'm sorry seriously sorry this time"

"Tom it's fine we've never gotten along and this whole marriage thing hasn't been easy on both of us. You don't have to lie to me"

"But I'm not. When this whole thing started I was annoyed that I was loosing my bachelor life and having to take care of someone but it's turned in to much more than that. I love you y/n"

"Let's see how you feel In a week Tom"

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